Umfrage zeigt 64% der Briten glauben, dass Krypto „keine sichere Investition“ ist,’ Die Befragten halten Ethereum für eine Droge, Cardano ist Käse

Während dort’s a lot of hype surrounding digital currencies like bitcoin, a great number of people are still confused by the crypto economy and the myriad crypto assets that exist. One study shows that some people think Ethereum is a drug,…

Krypto-Mining sollte in Russland registriert und besteuert werden, Vorsitzender des Finanzmarktausschusses sagt

Cryptocurrency mining should be registered as entrepreneurial activity and taxed as such, nach Anatoly Aksakov, chairman of Russias parliamentary Financial Market Committee. The lawmaker also thinks Russian digital currency regulations need refinement. Amendments Likely to Affect Mining, Besteuerung, Definition of