Die Bitcoin-Mining-Flotte von Northern Data wird erweitert 21,000 ASIC-Rigs, Das Unternehmen hält Krypto-Assets im Wert von 168 Millionen US-Dollar

Im April 4, the bitcoin mining operation Northern Data published its financial statements and noted that the companys mining fleet had grown by approximately 21,000 machines by the end of March 2022. The newly added machines increased the companys hashrate from

Prüfbericht: Chinesische Zollbehörde beschlagnahmt 49 Alte ASIC-Antminer

Chinese authorities continue to crackdown against bitcoin miners after they seized 49 second-hand Bitmain ASIC Antminers from unnamed individuals that recently attempted to smuggle in the devices using falsified documents. Devices to Be Disposed of in Accordance With Regulations Huangpu Customs

Jack Dorsey’s Payments Company baut offiziell ein offenes Bitcoin-Mining-System auf

In mid-October 2021, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey revealed the payments firm Block Inc. (formally Square) was considering joining the bitcoin mining industry. Three months later, Dorsey tweeted that his firm wasofficially building an open bitcoin mining system.” Der Block’s Hardware

Bitcoin-Mining-Unternehmen Luxor startet ASIC Trading Desk

Im Januar 11, 2022, Das in Washington ansässige Bitcoin-Mining-Unternehmen Luxor gab die Einführung einer neuen anwendungsspezifischen integrierten Schaltung bekannt (ASIC) Handelsabteilung. Nach Angaben des Unternehmens, Luxor’s new trading desk will give miners and investors access to bitcoin ASIC mining rigs

Daten zeigen, dass eine Vielzahl von Krypto-Netzwerken für den Bergbau profitabler sind als Bitcoin

As the end of the year approaches, digital currency values have risen a great deal in 2021 and crypto asset miners have been profiting as a result. According to statistics, the most profitable coin to mine at the end of November

Marathon-Pläne werden erhöht $500 Millionen von wandelbaren Senior Notes zum Kauf von Bitcoin und Mining Rigs

Exahash, Exahash $500 Exahash “Exahash” Publicly-Listed Mining Operation to Raise $500M From Debt Markets to