Walmart- und Litecoin-Zahlungsnachrichten von Walmart-Sprecher entlarvt, LTC-Preise zittern vor gefälschten Nachrichten

Exahash, September 13, a press release was published by and said it was connected toWalmart Inc,” the American multinational retail corporation. Several mainstream media outlets published stories about it including Reuters, Bloomberg, and CNBC. Not too long after

Größte Bank in El Salvador akzeptiert jetzt Bitcoin als Zahlungsmittel für Finanzprodukte

Bancoagricola, the biggest bank in El Salvador, is now accepting bitcoin to pay for debts originated from the use of its instruments, according to a PR statement. The institution partnered with Flexa, a payments network, to include cryptocurrency capabilities in its

Das kroatische E-Bike-Unternehmen Greyp Bikes integriert Kryptowährungszahlungen

Greyp Bikes, a company founded by Croatian innovator and entrepreneur Mate Rimac, has integrated crypto payments into its online billing system. All of its high-tech cycling products can now be purchased using nine different coins thanks to a partnership with payment

BIZ fordert Zentralbanken auf, dringend CBDCs zu entwickeln, um mit Krypto-Assets konkurrieren zu können

The head of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub, Benoît Cœuré, has urged central banks to act now on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) to compete with initiatives in the private sector, einschließlich Kryptowährungen. “CBDCs will take years to

Der simbabwische Minister sagt, auf Kryptowährungen basierende Lösungen könnten die Gebühren für Diaspora-Überweisungen senken

The Zimbabwean minister of finance, Mthuli Ncube, has once again talked up the potential advantages of using cryptocurrencies. In new comments made shortly after visiting the DMCC Crypto Centre in Dubai, Ncube raises the possibility that the country might use cryptocurrency-based