Finanzunternehmen melden ersten Deal mit digitalen Vermögenswerten nach russischem Recht

Two companies have carried out Russia’s first transactions with digital financial assets as defined by the country’s current legislation. Der Deal beinhaltete die Tokenisierung von Schuldtiteln, die von einem Dritten ausgegeben wurden, und deren anschließenden Erwerb.


Russian Companies Conduct Issue and Placement of Digital Financial Assets

VTB-Factoring, a subsidiary of Russian majority state-owned Vneshtorgbank (VTB), and the fintech firm Lighthouse have angekündigt the first transactions for the issuance and placement of digital financial assets (DFAs). The latter is a broad legal term in Russian law that encompasses various types of digital assets, einschließlich Kryptowährungen, until dedicated legislation is adopted.

As part of the deal, commercial debt from an unidentified issuer was first tokenized on the platform of Lighthouse, a registered “information system operator” authorized to issue and transact with DFAs, and then VTB Factoring bought the digital assets, the companies detailed in a press release.

By working with debt in the form of DFAs, the parties are able to reduce the time necessary to receive financing, while also taking advantage of relatively low transaction costs, the RBC Crypto news outlet explained in a report. This lowers the overall costs for the issuing entity. Anton Musatov, CEO of VTB Factoring, elaborated:

In contrast with the standard factoring procedure, the client does not need to conclude a service contract to assign commercial debt. It is enough for the issuer to issue a DFA and [obtain] the factor’s consent to purchase it.

The news of the successful DFA operation comes after in early June, Lighthouse and Tinkoff Business, the e-commerce division of the Russian neobank Tinkoff, announced the establishment of a platform to facilitate digital asset transactions. It will allow large and medium-sized businesses to raise funds using blockchain technology.

Later in the month, deputy chairman of the management board of Sberbank Anatoly Popov enthüllt that the first DFA deal on a platform developed by Russia’s largest bank will take place within a month. Also known as Sber, the state-controlled financial institution accounts for about a third of all bank assets in Russia and is also a registered information system operator authorized to issue digital financial assets.

The developments in the DFA space come as Russian authorities are working to expand the country’s regulatory framework to more comprehensively regulate decentralized digital assets such as bitcoin as they are only partially covered by the existing law “On Digital Financial Assets.” A new bill “On Digital Currency,” designed to achieve that, should be reviewed by Russian lawmakers in September.

Tags in dieser Geschichte
Rechnung, Firmen, Krypto, Kryptowährungen, Kryptowährung, Digitale Vermögenswerte, digitale Finanzanlagen, finanziell, Fintech, Firmen, Gesetz, Gesetzgebung, Leuchtturm, Plattformen, Vorschriften, Russland, Russisch, SBER, Sberbank, Vneschtorgbank, VTB, VTB-Factoring

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Lubomir Tassev

Lubomir Tassev ist ein Journalist aus dem technisch versierten Osteuropa, dem das Zitat von Hitchens gefällt: „Schriftstellerin zu sein, das bin ich, eher als das, was ich tue.“ Neben Krypto, Blockchain und Fintech, Internationale Politik und Wirtschaft sind zwei weitere Inspirationsquellen.

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