Die Kryptoindustrie setzt sich gegen Gesetzentwürfe ein, die auf russische Oligarchen abzielen, die mithilfe von Kryptowährung Sanktionen umgehen

Die Kryptoindustrie setzt sich gegen Gesetzentwürfe ein, die auf russische Oligarchen abzielen, die mithilfe von Kryptowährung Sanktionen umgehen

Die Kryptoindustrie betreibt Lobbyarbeit in den USA. Gesetzgeber gegen zwei Gesetzentwürfe, die darauf abzielen, russische Oligarchen daran zu hindern, Kryptowährung zu verwenden, um Sanktionen zu vermeiden. Die USA. und viele andere Länder verhängten Sanktionen gegen sie, nachdem Russland mit der Invasion der Ukraine begonnen hatte.

Bills Preventing Wealthy Russians From Using Crypto to Avoid Sanctions

The Blockchain Association has been lobbying U.S. lawmakers against two bills designed to prevent Russian oligarchs from using cryptocurrency to evade sanctions imposed on them after Russia began its invasion of Ukraine, CNBC reported last week.

The first is a House bill titledRussian Digital Asset Sanctions Compliance Act of 2022.The other is a Senate bill sponsored by crypto skeptic Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) titledDigital Asset Sanctions Compliance Enhancement Act of 2022.

The bills give the Biden administration the authority to prohibit U.S. crypto exchanges from processing payments from Russia. They would also allow U.S. authorities to sanction foreign exchanges process transactions by sanctioned Russian people or companies.

The organization represents more than 70 Krypto-Plattformen, including AAVE, Anchorage Digital, Ava Labs, Bitdeer, Blockchain Capital, Blockfi, Brevan Howard, Kettenanalyse, Kreis, Crypto.com, Digital Currency Group, Dragonfly Capital, toro, Graustufen, Krake, Welligkeit, Silvergate, Solana, Terra, Voyager, and Wicklow Capital.

The group is trying to convince lawmakers that cryptocurrency is not being used by wealthy Russians to avoid sanctions.

Curtis Kincaid, a spokesperson for Blockchain Association, explained that the organization is trying to convince lawmakers toseparate fact from fiction on the inability of Russia to transfer large sums of money via crypto transactions in order to evade sanctions,” the publication conveyed.

Lawyer Jake Chervinsky, policy head at the association, kommentiert:

These bills dont target Russian oligarchs, who arent using (& kann’t use) crypto to evade sanctions. They target upstanding US crypto companies for no apparent reason except Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s crusade against a technology she doesnt understand.

While some lawmakers are worried about the use of crypto to circumvent sanctions, many experts have said that crypto is not an effective tool for sanctions evasion. A U.S. Treasury official sagte in March: “We dont see that crypto could be used in a large-scale way to evade sanctions.

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