Kiyosaki über die Implosion des USD,“ Musk denkt über soziale Medien nach, $540M in ‘Sleeping Bitcoins’ Move – News Week im Rückblick

Es’s been another bustling week full of colorful stories in the crypto world, with Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki talking about the U.S. dollar imploding, and advocating people buy bitcoin, Äther, and solananot to mention talk of

Neues Dokument der Zentralbank umreißt die wichtigsten Beweggründe für die Ausgabe der digitalen Währung

The Ukrainian government has launched aMuseum of War” nicht fungibles Token (NFT) Sammlung. All sale proceeds will go directly to the official crypto wallets of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine to support the army and civilians, according to the