Georgia bereitet den Start des Digital-Lari-Pilotprojekts im ersten Halbjahr vor 2023

Die Zentralbank Georgiens beabsichtigt, in den kommenden Monaten ein Dokument zu veröffentlichen, in dem das Konzept einer nationalen digitalen Währung detailliert beschrieben wird. Andere teilnehmende Parteien werden es nutzen, um ihre Vorschläge für das von der Währungsbehörde geplante Pilotprojekt fertigzustellen…

China to Expand Digital Yuan Testing in Pilot Cities to Provincial Level

China’s central bank intends to enlarge the area covered by trials of its digital yuan currency in four regions of the country. A top representative of the monetary authority announced the move while highlighting that the Peoples Bank has been stepping

Bank of Russia to Pilot Digital Ruble Settlements in 2023

Russland’s monetary authority intends to conduct the first settlements with the digital ruble next year, its governor announced this week. Speaking to Russian lawmakers, the official highlighted the important role the new currency is going to play for Russia under sanctions….

Digitaler Rubel „dringend benötigt,“, sagt die russische Zentralbank, Wird das Testen nicht verzögern

The Central Bank of Russia has emphasized the importance of moving forward with its digital ruble project. According to a statement by a top representative, the monetary authority has no intention to delay the trials despite not all invited banks being

Bank of Russia meldet erste erfolgreiche digitale Rubel-Transfers zwischen Benutzern

Testing of the digital ruble has started in Russia with the countrys central bank announcing the first complete transactions between individual wallets. The monetary authority, a staunch opponent of cryptocurrencies, says its digital currency will create new opportunities for citizens, businesses,…

Zentralbanken von Frankreich, Schweiz und BIZ schließen grenzüberschreitende CBDC-Studie ab

Bank of France, the Swiss National Bank (SNB), and the Bank for International Settlements have successfully tested the application of wholesale central bank digital currency in cross-border payments. The project used distributed ledger technology and was realized with help from private

Türkische Zentralbank weitet Forschung aus, Bereitet den Test der digitalen Lira auf einer neuen Plattform vor

The Turkish central bank has established a new platform together with technology stakeholders to further the development of a digitalized version of the national fiat currency. The new collaboration will allow Turkey to focus on expanding research and conducting tests of