Bank of Russia will Investmentfonds von Investitionen in Kryptowährungen verbieten

Russland’Die Zentralbank beabsichtigt, Investmentfonds den Erwerb von Krypto-Assets oder verwandten Finanzinstrumenten zu verbieten. Der Antrag, was im Einklang mit seiner harten Haltung zu dezentralem digitalem Geld steht, comes after the regulator urged stock exchanges to avoid trading

Bank of Russia lehnt Bereitstellung von Krypto-bezogenen Finanzdienstleistungen ab

Russland’s central bank has voiced opposition to the provision of financial services related to cryptocurrencies. The monetary authority believes such offerings would go against the interests of Russian investors as they are highly risky. Central Bank of Russia Unwilling to Allow

Jährliches Volumen der von Russen getätigten Kryptotransaktionen erreicht $5 Milliarde, Funde der Bank of Russia

With the growing capitalization of the crypto economy, Russians have been making crypto transactions worth billions of dollars a year, data gathered by the Central Bank of Russia shows. Russian residents are some of the most active participants in the crypto

SEC-Verzögerungen 4 Fristen für Bitcoin-ETFs – Regulierungsbehörde „findet es angemessen, einen längeren Zeitraum festzulegen“

Am Freitag, die USA. Wertpapier- und Börsenkommission (SEK) has delayed four bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETF) deadlines for another 45 Tage. The regulator notes that the entity needs more time to decide on the ETF applications. Global X, Kryptoin, Valkyrie, Weisheitsbaum…

SEC lehnt Anfrage nach Informationsfreiheitsgesetz in Bezug auf Tether-Dokumente ab

Im September 24, the staff writer for The New Republic, Jacob Silverman, tweeted about a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request he filed that was ultimately denied. On the social media platform, Silverman wrote that he got Securities and Exchange Commission