Proposed Crypto Mining Ban in Norway Fails to Gain Support in Parliament

A push to prohibit the energy-intensive proof-of-work mining of cryptocurrencies in Norway has been rejected by the majority of lawmakers. The ban had been suggested by the far-left Red Party which also didnt win backing to raise an electricity tax for

Mozilla führt Krypto-Spenden wieder ein – Organisation akzeptiert keine Proof-of-Work-Kryptowährungen

In der ersten Januarwoche, Die Software-Community Mozilla gab bekannt, dass sie Spenden von Kryptowährungen aussetzt, nachdem sie Umweltbedenken angeführt hatte. 14 Wochen später, Mozilla hat letzte Woche entschieden, dass es wieder Krypto-Spenden annehmen wird, but only from digital assets that leverage a

Proof-of-Work-Verbot aus Europas vorgeschlagener Krypto-Verordnung gestrichen

A text threatening to prohibit cryptocurrencies relying on energy-intensive proof-of-work mining has been deleted from the draft legislation aimed at regulating the European crypto space. The move comes after the controversial provision sparked objections from the crypto community. MiCA Proposal Drops

Regulierungsbehörde wiederholt Forderung nach EU-Verbot von Proof-of-Work-Mining

The EU should prohibit proof-of-work crypto mining, an executive at the European securities watchdog has insisted. Coins relying on the energy-intensive method of minting pose a risk to efforts aimed at meeting climate change goals such as those set in the

Electric Coin Company gibt bekannt, dass Zcash Network auf Proof-of-Stake übergeht 3 Jahre

Am Freitag, Electric Coin Company (ECC), the developers behind the privacy-centric crypto-asset zcash, revealed the network plans to transition to proof-of-stake (Schild) consensus. ECC also revealed the team plans to launch an official ECC wallet, as well as bolster the network’S…

Bergbauunternehmen Titan stellt Lumerin . vor, ein Projekt zur Kommodifizierung der Hashpower von Bitcoin

Im Oktober 21, Der Bitcoin-Mining-Pool-Betreiber Titan hat ein neues dezentrales Hashpower-Routing-Protokoll namens Lumerin . enthüllt. Das Open-Source-Projekt zielt auf die Kommodifizierung von Bitcoin ab’s Hashpower “durch Smart Contracts, Hashpower handelbar machen.” Blog’s Mining Arm Titan Announces the Lumerin Protocol The

Lokale Unternehmen in New York fordern Gouverneur auf, landesweites Bitcoin-Mining-Moratorium zu verhängen

The governor of New York state, Kathy Hochul, has been urged by a group of local companies to deny business permits to bitcoin miners. The letter specifically asks for thedenial of permits for the Greenidge Generating Station and the Fortistar