Prüfbericht: Führender NFT-Marktplatz Opensea präsentiert mit $10 Milliardenbewertung, Investoren „schreien“

Im November 17, a report disclosed that the leading non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, Offenes Meer, ist “fielding new investment offersaccording to two unknown sources familiar with the matter. The investment could propel Openseas valuation by six times to a $10 Milliarde…

Bitcoin ETF-Genehmigung bis Monatsende erwartet, Prominenter Hedgefonds legt mehr Gewicht auf BTC

The price of bitcoin soared past the $55K handle on Wednesday for the first time in four months giving proponents hope the crypto bull run has been re-ignited. Speculators are predicting a bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) will be approved soon and