Alexander Vinnik von BTC-e beantragt Freilassung gegen Kaution unter Berufung auf Prozessverzögerung

The alleged operator of crypto exchange BTC-e, Alexander Vinnik, has asked to be released on bail due to the delay in court proceedings. In early August, the Russian IT specialist was extradited to the United States to face charges of money

FTX Co-Founder Sam Bankman-Fried Faces US Extradition, Bankruptcy Court Says Top Execs Won’t Be Compensated

According to a report citing three people familiar with the matter, the former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) may be extradited to the United States for questioning. After it was alleged that SBF transferred $10 billion in customer funds to Alameda

French Lawyer Asks Russian Patriarch to Help Save Alexander Vinnik From ‘Political Trial’ in US

A member of the defense team of the alleged BTC-e operator Alexander Vinnik has called on the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to intervene in support of his client. The Russian national may be sentenced to over 50 years in

Lawyer of Alleged Crypto Launderer Vinnik Calls on Russia to Talk Prisoner Swap With US

A lawyer representing Russian IT specialist Alexander Vinnik has urged the government in Moscow to discuss a potential exchange of prisoners with the United States, where he was recently extradited. The French legal expert is convinced only a return to his

Der frühere CEO der Krypto-Börse Wex, Dmitry Vasiliev, wurde Berichten zufolge in Kroatien festgenommen

Dmitri Wassiljew, co-owner and former chief executive of the now defunct Russian crypto exchange Wex, has been arrested upon entering Croatia, Lokale Medien berichteten. The crypto entrepreneur is wanted by Kazakhstan where he is accused of stealing money from an investor….

Ex-Chef von Crypto Exchange Wex in Polen entlassen

Former chief executive of the Russian cryptocurrency exchange Wex, Dmitri Wassiljew, has been released from arrest in Warsaw earlier this month. The ex-head of the now-defunct coin trading platform has since returned to Russia while court proceedings against him in Poland

Ehemaliger Monero-Entwickler Spagni aus US-Gefängnis entlassen, Zusagen, Betrugsvorwürfe zu bekämpfen

Former Monero developer Riccardo Spagni has been released from a U.S. prison where he reportedly spentsixty-one days in solitary confinement.The developers release was prompted by the failure of South African authoritiesto make a timely submission in support of

Ex-Chef von Wex Crypto Exchange Berichten zufolge in Polen festgenommen, droht Auslieferung an Kasachstan

Dmitri Wassiljew, ehemaliger Geschäftsführer der russischen Kryptowährungsbörse Wex, wurde in Warschau festgenommen, berichtete die polnische Presse. Vasiliev wird in Kasachstan gesucht, wo ihm Betrug im Zusammenhang mit der inzwischen nicht mehr existierenden Handelsplattform vorgeworfen wird, Nachfolger des Berüchtigten…