India to Facilitate International Settlements in Rupees to Reduce Dependence on the US Dollar

The government of India has announced that it will facilitate the settlement of international transactions using its national currency, the rupee. As part of its foreign trading policy framework implemented on April 1, the country introduced this measure to facilitate payments

BRICS Nations ‘Coalescing Against the Dollar,’ Major Banks Predict More Fed Hikes, Bitcoin Records Large Blocks as Ordinals Gain Currency

In spite of turbulence in traditional global finance, with BRICS nations said to be pushing for de-dollarization and major banks like Bank of America and Goldman Sachs predicting further interest rate hikes from the U.S. Federal Reserve, creativity in crypto has

Rich Dad Poor Dad’s Robert Kiyosaki Warns ‘Everything Will Crash’ — Plans to Buy More Bitcoin

Der berühmte Autor des Bestsellers Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, has warned thateverything will crash,” including gold, Silber-, und Bitcoin. jedoch, he sees crashes as buying opportunities, noting that he will buy more bitcoin. Robert Kiyosaki Reiterates

Robert Kiyosaki Says He Likes Bitcoin — Calls BTC ‘People’s Money’

Der berühmte Autor des Bestsellers Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, says he likes bitcoin, calling the cryptocurrencypeoples money.While admitting that he does not know much about bitcoin, er sagte: “ich’m just glad I bought it at

Robert Kiyosaki kauft mehr Bitcoin – warnt davor, dass die SEC-Vorschriften die meisten Kryptowährungen zerstören werden

Der berühmte Autor des Bestsellers Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, has revealed why he is buying more bitcoin. He warned that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) regulations willcrushmost other cryptocurrencies. Robert Kiyosaki Buys More Bitcoin,…

„Ölpreise nördlich von 200 $“ pro Barrel – Der Investor erwartet, dass Öl jede Investition „zerquetschen“ wird 2023

Amid the dreary global economy, a number of market strategists and analysts believe oil will be the number one investment in 2023. While a barrel of oil is coasting along at prices between $80.12 und $85 pro Einheit, Goldman Sachs analysts

Social-Media-Nutzer verspotten Chinas angeblichen Einsatz von Militärpanzern zur Einschüchterung protestierender Bankkunden

Social-Media-Nutzer haben China zugeschlagen’s berichtete über den Einsatz von Militärpanzern, um Bankkunden einzuschüchtern, die gegen das Einfrieren ihrer Ersparnisse protestierten. Einige Benutzer behaupteten, der Einsatz von Militärpanzern entblöße das Land’s zugrunde liegende wirtschaftliche Probleme. Crypto proponents see the issue

Edward Snowden nennt CBDCs „kryptofaschistische Währung“ – „eher eine Perversion der Kryptowährung“

Im Oktober 9, whistleblower and privacy advocate Edward Snowden published an opinion editorial concerning central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and claimed CBDCs arethe newest danger cresting the public horizon.Snowden stressed that rather than being an innovation, CBDC’s arecloser