Die Mining-Schwierigkeit von BTC wird voraussichtlich ein Lebenszeithoch erreichen $620 Die Mining-Schwierigkeit von BTC wird voraussichtlich ein Lebenszeithoch erreichen

Laut Sky Mavis, die Macher des Blockchain-NFT-Spiels Axie Infinity, das Ronin-Netzwerk wurde angegriffen, und ein Hacker hat es geschafft, abzuschöpfen 173,600 im Ethereum und 25.5 Millionen-Dollar-Münze (USDC). The attacker has obtained roughly $620

Defi-Protokollanker zur Implementierung einer „halbdynamischen Verdienstrate“ nach der Governance-Abstimmung

Am Donnerstag, the team behind the lending protocol Anchor announced that a proposal has passed and the decentralized money market willimplement a more sustainable semi-dynamic earn rate.Following the announcement, the value of the protocols native token ANC slipped roughly

Strategie- und Weltraumspieler erhalten ihr eigenes Play-to-Earn-Metaverse voller cooler NFTs – DEEPSPACE (DPS) Alpha-Überprüfung

Space, the final frontier. The long and exciting journey through vast, dark, deep space with a fleet of your own. The release of the alpha version of the play-to-earn metaverse game DEEPSPACE (DPS) opens up a brand new chapter of the

Jump Crypto ersetzt $320 Million in Ethereum aus Wurmloch-Exploit entnommen

Im Februar 2, 2022, the Wormhole Networks ethereumsolana bridge was exploited for 120,000 WETH (wrapped ethereum) Wert $320 million and the following day, the team explained thatall funds have been restored and Wormhole is back up.The team

Cross-Chain-Brücken, die verbinden 5 Verschiedene Blockchains zu Ethereum

During the last few months, cross-chain bridge technology has grown a great deal and users can now swap assets between a myriad of networks. Heute, between eight different bridges there’S $7.6 billion total-value locked across these platforms. Cross-Chain Bridges

Studie zeigt Wachstum der kettenübergreifenden Brückentechnologie, Brücken zu Ethereum Exceed $7 Milliarde

Im September 8, 2021, Dmitriy Berenzon, research partner at 1kxnetwork, an early-stage crypto fund that helps founders bootstrap token networks, published a comprehensive research post concerning blockchain bridges. Berenzons study highlights the currentmulti-chain market structureand bridges that are making