Russische Unternehmen nutzen Krypto „aktiv“., Russland soll übernehmen 4 Relevante Gesetze, Offiziell sagt

Der russische Gesetzgeber beabsichtigt, bald vier Gesetzesentwürfe zur Regulierung verschiedener Aspekte von Kryptowährungen zu verabschieden, gab ein hochrangiges Mitglied des russischen Parlaments bekannt. inzwischen, Russische Unternehmen nutzen bereits digitale Vermögenswerte bei grenzüberschreitenden Abwicklungen, bemerkte der Beamte. Russische Legislative muss abstimmen…

South African Professor Accuses US Regulators of Attempting to ‘Assassinate Crypto’

The United Statesattempts toassassinate cryptoare illegal and unlikely to succeed becausecrypto is global,” Steven Boykey Sidley, a South African professor and author, has argued. According to Sidley, many formerly U.S.-based companies and innovators have fled the country

BRICS Nations Working on Creating New Currency to Be Discussed at Next Leaders Summit: Prüfbericht

The BRICS nations are reportedly working on developing a new form of currency, which is expected to be discussed at the next BRICS leaderssummit, according to a top Russian official. “The transition to settlements in national currencies is the first

Argentine Peso Loses Almost 12% Against the Greenback During January; Inflation Projected to Rise Sharply

The Argentine peso has fallen consistently against the U.S. dollar this month, losing almost 12% since Jan. 1. The behavior of the exchange rate for the informalbluedollar keeps bringing concerns about a possible escalade in inflation rates, that are

UNHCR Launches Blockchain Payment Solution to Support Ukrainians Displaced by War

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) recently said it has launched a blockchain payment solution for digital cash distribution to internally displaced persons (Vertriebene) in Ukraine. According to the agency, the use of the blockchain-based cash distribution system ensures

Uniswap Foundation zur Verteilung $1.8 Millionen an Zuschüssen an 14 Empfänger

Die Uniswap-Stiftung (UF), die Gruppe hinter der dezentralen Börse (dex) Uniswap, kündigte am Mittwoch die erste Welle von Stiftungszuschüssen an, deren Verteilung geplant ist $1.8 Millionen insgesamt, quer vergeben 14 Zuschüsse. Die UF-Ankündigung gibt dazu noch einen Hauch mehr Auskunft…

Der Sicherheitsdienst der Ukraine schließt eine Krypto-Mining-Farm in der Nähe der Frontlinie in Charkiw

Ukraine’s wichtigste Strafverfolgungsbehörde hat eine illegale Anlage zum Schürfen von Kryptowährungen in der Region Charkiw gesprengt. Die Betreiber der Kryptofarm haben mit großen Mengen gestohlener Elektrizität Münzen geprägt, Bedrohung der Energieversorgung kritischer Infrastrukturen, the agency said….

Russian Blockchain Alternative to SWIFT to Prevent Disconnection of Nations, Banks

A Russian university is ready to test its blockchain-based analogue to the global payment messaging network SWIFT, from which Russian banks were cut off as part of Western sanctions. The developers say their system would not allow the disconnecting of countries

Bank of Russia bereit, Krypto-Mining zu legalisieren, wenn Bergleute geprägte Münzen im Ausland verkaufen

The Central Bank of Russia would agree to the legalization of cryptocurrency mining, provided the proceeds from the activity are converted to fiat outside of Russia. The regulators latest position on the matter comes after it softened its stance on the

Russian Media Censor Roskomnadzor Blocks Major Crypto News Website, a leading news outlet in Russia’s Kryptoraum, has been blocked by Russias telecom and mass media watchdog, Roskomnadsor. The site is now inaccessible through most Russian internet providers, the online edition announced, stating it intends to contest the measure….