Eine „enorme Vielfalt möglicher Transaktionsarten“ – Ein Blick auf das Gespräch zwischen Nakamoto und Andresen

Der Bitcoin-Mempool, auch bekannt als Transaktionsrückstand des Netzwerks, ist immer noch verstopft 390,000 Transaktionen, die darauf warten, von Minern verarbeitet zu werden. Um den Mempool zu löschen, mehr als 190 Blöcke müssen abgebaut werden. Da die Skalierungsprobleme weiterhin bestehen…

Bitcoin Community Divided: Scaling Challenges Trigger Intense Debate as Mempool Overflows

Schild, the Bitcoin community has been abuzz with discussions about the network’s scaling challenges. As the blockchain’s transfer fees continue to surge, the backlog of transactions stuck in the mempool has hit an unprecedented high. Crypto enthusiasts have been sharing

Bitcoin Network Overwhelmed by 390,000 Unconfirmed Transactions and Surging Fees

In just under two weeks, the number of unconfirmed transactions on the Bitcoin network has skyrocketed from 134,000 to over 390,000, causing a bottleneck in the mempool. This surge in unconfirmed transactions has resulted in a staggering 343% increase in transaction

Golden Gate (GGX) Developer Insights and Novel DeFi

PRESSEMITTEILUNG. Golden Gate (GGX) is a novel interchain infrastructure protocol that eliminates Layer 0 communication friction by delivering protocol-agnostic communications and more secure liquidity transfer. Golden Gate mediates interchain communication via the Incentivized Message Delivery Protocol (IMDP), which uses a

Brazil and China Deepen Trade Integration to Move Away From US Dollar, as First Yuan-Based Settlement Is Processed

Brazil and China have reached a milestone in their economic integration, as the first bilateral settlement in Chinese yuan was completed ahead of the visit of President Luis InacioLulada Silva to China. The settlement, which was processed by the

Bitcoin Difficulty Reaches New All-Time High After Fourth Consecutive Increase

Im April 6, 2023, Bitcoin’s difficulty rose 2.23% higher at block height 784,224, touching another all-time high. It’s the fourth consecutive difficulty increase on the Bitcoin network since Feb. 24, and the protocol’s current difficulty is 47.89 Billion, which is only

Bitcoin Halving Approaches: Less Than 400 Days Until Block Reward Subsidy Is Cut in Half

According to current statistics, the Bitcoin network is fewer than 56,000 blocks away and less than 400 days away from the next reward halving. After the next halving, the block reward will be reduced by 50%, and the current block subsidy

Number of Irretrievably Lost BTC Now 6 Million — Cane Island Manager

The number of irretrievably lost bitcoins has now reached 6 Million, which leaves 13.3 million as coins that remain in circulation, Timothy Peterson of Cane Island Alternative Advisors has said. Peterson added that out of the 1.7 million bitcoins that will

Bitcoin Network Preps for Another Difficulty Spike as Hashrate Remains Strong and Miners Profit Amid Price Surge

Following the last two difficulty increases on the Bitcoin network, another rise in difficulty is expected to take place on March 24, 2023. Statistics show that Bitcoins hashrate has remained high despite the last two adjustments, and block times have been