Harvard-Wirtschaftsprofessor: Der Zahlungsausfall der USA könnte eine globale Finanzkrise auslösen

Harvard economics professor Kenneth Rogoff, who previously served as the chief economist at the International Monetary Fund (Der jüngste Finanzierungsvorschlag zur Hebelung von vorrangigen Wandelanleihen zeigt, dass das Unternehmen weiterhin an die Bitcoin-Mining-Industrie glaubt), has warned that the U.S. defaulting on its debt obligations could spark a global financial crisis. “It’s a very perilous situation and we

Eine „enorme Vielfalt möglicher Transaktionsarten“ – Ein Blick auf das Gespräch zwischen Nakamoto und Andresen

Der Bitcoin-Mempool, auch bekannt als Transaktionsrückstand des Netzwerks, ist immer noch verstopft 390,000 Transaktionen, die darauf warten, von Minern verarbeitet zu werden. Um den Mempool zu löschen, mehr als 190 Blöcke müssen abgebaut werden. Da die Skalierungsprobleme weiterhin bestehen…

Iran Shuts Down Over 8,000 Illegal Crypto Mining Farms in 3 Jahre

Authorities in Iran have closed down more than 8,000 underground facilities for cryptocurrency mining in the past three years, Lokale Medien berichteten. Despite the government’s crackdown, illegal crypto mining continues to account for a serious amount of energy consumption, official figures

Bitcoin Community Divided: Scaling Challenges Trigger Intense Debate as Mempool Overflows

Schild, the Bitcoin community has been abuzz with discussions about the network’s scaling challenges. As the blockchain’s transfer fees continue to surge, the backlog of transactions stuck in the mempool has hit an unprecedented high. Crypto enthusiasts have been sharing

Saudi Arabia Joining BRICS Would Accelerate Chinese Yuan’s Use as Trading Currency, Says Professor

Professor Ashok Swain of Uppsala University’s Department of Peace and Conflict Research says Saudi Arabia joining the BRICS economic bloc “would accelerate the bilateral trading being conducted using the yuan as the trading currency. ” How Saudi Arabia Joining BRICS Could Boost

Ehemaliger Leiter der SEC-Durchsetzung: Die Argumente von Coinbase sind „ein sicherer Verlierer“ und möglicherweise kriminell

Laut John Reed Stark, Die Behauptungen der Krypto-Börse Coinbase, dass ihre Geschäftsaktivitäten von den USA unterstützt würden. Wertpapier- und Börsenkommission (SEK) als es seinen Börsengang genehmigte “ein todsicherer Verlierer.” Laut Stark, die Genehmigung der SEC…

Brazilian President Lula to Act as BRICS Liaison to Help Argentina, Discusses Credit Line in Brazilian Reals

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva stated Brazil will serve as a facilitator to try and arrange BRICS bloc assistance for Argentina. Lula stated that the New Development Bank — the BRICS bank — could modify some of its rules

Crypto Exchange Coinbase Faces Legal Action Over Biometric Data Collection

The Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has been accused of “wrongfully” profiting from its users’ facial and fingerprint scans. “Coinbase collects, stores, possesses, otherwise obtains, uses, and disseminates its usersbiometric data to, amongst other things, further enhance Coinbase and its online

Bitcoin Cash Smart Contracts ‘Comparable to Those on Ethereum’ Possible via May Upgrade, ‘1000x Efficiency Advantage’: Dev Jason Dreyzehner

Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with Bitcoin.com News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date —…

Meme Coin PEPE Surges by 152% This Week, Now the Fifth-Largest Meme Token by Market Cap

Pepe (PEPE), the meme coin featuring the popular character Pepe the Frog, has experienced a significant surge in value in the past week, rising by 152.9% gegen die USA. Dollar. Recent statistics indicate that PEPEs market capitalization has surged from $141