Donald Trump om Crypto: 'Jeg vil ikke have, at andre valutaer kommer ud og skader dollaren'

Tidligere U.S.. Præsident Donald Trump har kommenteret kryptokurvens voksende popularitet og den kinesiske regerings kryptokonflikt. Han gentog sin anti-krypto holdning: “Jeg gør ikke’t want to have other currencies coming out and hurting or demeaning the dollar

Undersøgelse viser 64% af briter mener, at krypto ikke er en sikker investering,' Respondenter tror, ​​at Ethereum er et stof, Cardano er ost

Mens der’s a lot of hype surrounding digital currencies like bitcoin, a great number of people are still confused by the crypto economy and the myriad crypto assets that exist. One study shows that some people think Ethereum is a drug,…

Krypto-investor sagsøger Apple for ondsindet app, der stjal kryptovalutaer

A crypto investor has filed a class-action lawsuit against Apple Inc. after she downloaded a malicious application from the companys App Store that led to the theft of her cryptocurrencies. Apple Sued Over Theft of Cryptocurrency Due to Malicious App Hadona

Vi er alle Satoshi: Statue af Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto afsløret i Ungarn

A statue of Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, has been unveiled in Budapest, Ungarn. “The statue is made of bronze, the face is made of a special bronze-aluminium composite, thus every visitor can see their own face when looking

Canadas 'Mad Max' støtter Bitcoin - siger 'Jeg hader, hvordan centralbanker ødelægger vores penge og økonomi'

Maxime Bernier, a former cabinet minister nicknamedMad Maxand the leader of the Peoples Party of Canada (PPC), says he supports bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. “I hate how central banks are destroying our money and economycryptos are another new

Walmart undersøger, hvordan falsk pressemeddelelse om dets partnerskab med Litecoin blev offentliggjort

Following the fake news of its partnership with Litecoin, Walmart Inc. says it is looking into how the fraudulent press release was issued. The Litecoin Foundation and Charlie Lee are also investigating the matter. Ud over, Globenewswire says it will also

61% af amerikanske voksne modsætter sig ikke Bitcoin som juridisk bud, Undersøgelse viser

Efter El Salvador gjorde bitcoin lovligt betalingsmiddel, der blev foretaget en undersøgelse for at fastslå, om U.S. voksne støtter eller modsætter sig et lignende træk i USA. Blandt 4,912 voksne, der deltog, 61% modsatte sig ikke. Majority of Adults in US Do Not