IRS bygger 'Hundreder' af kryptosager - officielt siger $7 Milliarder i krypto beslaglagt 2022

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is buildinghundredsof crypto cases to crack down on tax evasion, an official reportedly said. In the fiscal year 2022, the IRS Criminal Investigation Division seized about $7 billion in cryptocurrency, which was double the

USA beslaglægger kryptovaluta værd $30 Million fra nordkoreanske hackere

Blockchain data analytics firm Chainalysis has revealed that U.S. authorities have seized cryptocurrency worth $30 million from North Korean hackers. “This marks the first time ever that cryptocurrency stolen by a North Korean hacking group has been seized, og vi’re confident

IRS forventer at beslaglægge milliarder af dollars i kryptovaluta næste år - mere end $3.5 Milliarder i krypto beslaglagt i år

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has revealed that $3.5 billion in crypto was seized during the fiscal year 2021. This represents 93% of all funds seized by its criminal investigation unit during the same time period. The agency expects to seize