Kerneinflation på opadgående trend, Yderligere rentestigninger forventes, ECB Execs siger

Amid underlying inflationary pressures, further interest rate increases may still be needed, members of the European Central Bank’s Governing Council have admitted. På samme tid, the cycle with the highest hikes may soon be over, the officials indicated. End of

Tidligere administrerende direktør for Crypto Exchange Wex Dmitry Vasiliev angiveligt tilbageholdt i Kroatien

Dmitry Vasiliev, medejer og tidligere administrerende direktør for den nu hedengangne ​​russiske kryptobørs Wex, er blevet anholdt ved indrejse i Kroatien, det rapporterede lokale medier. Krypto-iværksætteren er eftersøgt af Kasakhstan, hvor han er anklaget for at stjæle penge fra en investor….

Det kroatiske E-cykelfirma Greyp Bikes integrerer kryptovalutabetalinger

Greyp Bikes, a company founded by Croatian innovator and entrepreneur Mate Rimac, has integrated crypto payments into its online billing system. All of its high-tech cycling products can now be purchased using nine different coins thanks to a partnership with payment