På trods af Det Hvide Hus-debat, Kritikere insisterer på, at USA officielt er i en recession efter 2 På hinanden følgende kvartaler med negativ BNP-vækst

USA. economy has declined for the second-straight quarter as the countrys gross domestic product (BNP) declined by 0.9% in Q2. The Bureau of Economic Analysiss summary of the U.S. GDP follows the recent debate over the technical definition of a

Den amerikanske centralbank hæver benchmarkrenten med 75 bps, Feds største stigning siden 1994

USA. Federal Reserve raised the federal funds rate by 75 basispoint (bps) Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin, and it was the largest increase since 1994. According to the Fed members expectations, the central bank will likely add another 1.5 percentage points by