US finansminister: Vi kan ikke se, at krypto kunne bruges i stor skala til at undgå sanktioner

USA. Department of the Treasury does not see that cryptocurrency could be used in a large-scale way to evade sanctions. “Its share as a medium for illicit finance is not anywhere as large as just using cash,” a senior Treasury

Mike Novogratz forventer, at Bitcoin rammer 500.000 $ - siger, at BTC er et godt alternativ i økonomier med dårlig forvaltning

Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz says bitcoin is a great alternative and a lifeline to people in countries with poor stewardship of the economy. He expects the price of the cryptocurrency to hit $500K. “We see an adoption cycle that accelerates

den amerikanske senator Booker: Kryptovaluta kan bringe vækst til amerikansk økonomi, hvis den reguleres korrekt

OS. Senator Cory Booker sees cryptocurrency asan exciting innovation with the potential to bring growth to the American economy if properly nurtured and regulated.The senator from New Jersey is encouraged by President Joe Bidens executive order on crypto regulation….

US Treasury lancerer Cryptocurrency Awareness Program

USA. Department of the Treasury is launching a cryptocurrency awareness program. “Vi’re just trying to raise awareness without trying to stamp out new technology and new innovation,” said an official of the Treasury. Skatkammer’s Efforts to Raise Crypto Awareness The

Cornell professor: Kryptoindustrien kunne drage fordel af Bidens bekendtgørelse, Forskrifter giver legitimitet

A Cornell University economics professor says that President Joe Bidens executive order on the regulation of cryptocurrency could benefit the industry. “Ultimately what these sorts of regulations provide to the industry is legitimacy,” said the professor. Cornell Professor on Crypto Industry

Robert Kiyosaki siger 'Vi er i verdenshistoriens største boble' - advarer om, at regeringen vil beslaglægge alle kryptovalutaer

Den berømte forfatter til bestsellerbogen Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, has made some gloomy predictions about the economy and the future of cryptocurrency. Besides warning that we are in the biggest bubble in world history, Kiyosaki has predicted

Premierminister Modis Twitter-konto hacket - Tweets Bitcoins juridiske betalingsmiddel i Indien, Regeringen giver væk BTC

The Twitter account of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was compromised and a tweet was posted claiming that the government of India has adopted bitcoin as legal tender and purchased 500 coins to distribute to all residents in the country. This

USA's finansminister Yellen siger, at hun er i tvivl om, hvorvidt Fed skal udstede digital valuta

USA. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says that she has not made up her mind about whether the Fed should issue a central bank digital currency (CBDC). “There are some benefitsto a digital dollar, Yellen said, but noted that “der…

Kryptoøkonomi svæver under $3T: Analytiker siger, at First Bear Marker 'ville være et kapitaliseringsfald under $2,38T'

The crypto asset economy has been down in value over the last week as a great number of digital currencies shed significant amounts. The entire crypto-economy is down under the $3 billioner mark, hovering around $2.7 trillion across 10,970 kryptovalutaer. Bitcoin…

USA's præsident Biden nærmer sig beslutningen om at vælge Fed-stolen - rapporter tyder på kastespil mellem Powell og Brainard

Following the passing of the Biden administrations infrastructure bill, USA. president appears to be nearing his decision on whether or not he will reappoint Jerome Powell, the current Federal Reserve Board chairperson. According to a few reports Powell may be