Dappradar-rapporten viser, at Blockchain-spil trives midt i FTX-kollaps, Sektor Regnskabt for 46% af al netværksaktivitet

According to a report published by the global dapp store platform, Dappradar, blockchain gaming hardly felt the impact of the recent FTX collapse and the crypto market carnage that ensued. Dappradars Blockchain Games Report indicates that the number of daily unique

Naturgasprisstigning rammer kryptominearbejdere i Iran

Companies using natural gas as a power source to mint digital currency in Iran will have to deal with a sharp increase in the price of the fuel. The new rates set by the state-run supplier are almost double the previous

Mad Moneys Jim Cramer vil have kryptoinvestorer til at satse mod ham - 'Jeg har gjort dette for 42 Flere år'

The host of Mad Money, Jim Cramer, has challenged crypto investors to bet against him. “You do not do this for 42 years and lose money every year,” han sagde. His statement followed a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange

Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analyse: Ethereum nærmer sig $1,400, som Prisen rammer 10-dages høje

Ethereum moved closer to $1,400 på torsdag, as the token rebounded from yesterdays sell off. Verdenen’s second largest cryptocurrency rose to its highest point in almost ten days during today’s session, as markets were marginally higher. Bitcoin was once again

Vietnams kryptominearbejdere klager over tab fra Ethereums fusion

Miners in Vietnam have expressed grievances over the loss of business following Ethereums transition to a consensus mechanism that does not require the energy-intensive computing they were providing. Many are in trouble, det rapporterede lokale medier, quoting entrepreneurs and mining enthusiasts. Kryptovaluta…

Bitfarms starter Bitcoin Megafarm Operations i Argentina

Bitfarme, a global Bitcoin mining company, has started operations in its mining megafarm located in Argentina. The farm, launched on September 16, is currently generating 10 megawatt (MW) of mining power during the first phase and will scale operations to be

Russisk arresteret for bedrageri af købere af minedriftshardware, der er mere end værd $300,000

Police in the southern Russian city of Astrakhan have detained a man accused of defrauding people who wanted to purchase crypto miners. Law enforcement officials say the suspect made millions of rubles through fictitious sales of mining devices to Russian citizens

Elektricitetsforbrug af russiske kryptominearbejdere spidser 20 Gange ind 5 Flere år, Forskningsfund

Kraftbehovet hos cryptocurrency-minearbejdere i Rusland er vokset betydeligt siden 2017, med en 20-dobling af forbruget af elektrisk energi over den femårige periode. I 2021, prægningen af ​​mønten med den største markedsværdi, bitcoin, påkrævet 1.25 gigawatts

Kasakhstan efterforsker Crypto Mining Hotel, der angiveligt fungerer som Ponzi-ordning

Myndigheder i Kasakhstan har iværksat en undersøgelse af en minehotelvirksomhed, der mistænkes for at være en kryptopyramide som led i en igangværende undertrykkelse af ulovlige aktiviteter forbundet med kryptovaluta. Platformen, kaldet Bincloud, lokket investorer gennem populære beskedapps. Bincloud

Politiet i Kasakhstan arresterer bande, der tvinger it-specialister til at drive kryptofarme

Law enforcement in Kazakhstan detained members of a crime group suspected of forcing IT experts into operating underground facilities for cryptocurrency mining with threats and blackmail. The racketeers allegedly made up to half a million U.S. dollars a month from their