Tidligere Fed-formand Alan Greenspan: Crypto er for afhængig af 'Greater Fool Theory' til at være en ønskværdig investering

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan says crypto istoo dependent on the ‘greater fool theoryto be a desirable investment.” Imidlertid, he noted that the collapse of crypto exchange FTX waspurely fraud,” rather than the result of a feature

Blockchain-baseret socialt netværk Viblos lancerer betaversion i marts: Crypto er en ikke-eksisterende aktivklasse for de fleste store institutionelle investorer

A strategist at global investment bank JPMorgan says crypto is effectively nonexistent as an asset class for most large institutional investors. “The volatility is too high, the lack of an intrinsic return that you can point to makes it very challenging,”…

UNHCR lancerer Blockchain-betalingsløsning for at støtte ukrainere, der er fordrevet af krig

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) recently said it has launched a blockchain payment solution for digital cash distribution to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine. According to the agency, the use of the blockchain-based cash distribution system ensures

New York Times, FT, Bloomberg blasted for forsøg på at få FTX-kreditorernes navne ophævet

Amid the ongoing FTX bankruptcy proceedings, court documents indicate that media firms such as Bloomberg, the New York Times (NU), Dow Jones & Selskab, and the Financial Times (FT) want the redacted information tied to FTX creditors unsealed. The media companies

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon sammenligner Crypto med Pet Rocks - opfordrer til mere regulering

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon says crypto tokens are like pet rocks. The executive also believes crypto regulation should be strengthened, angiver: “The regulators who beat up on banks should maybe focus a little more on crypto.JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon

Rapporten foreslår, at FTX's tokeniserede aktier muligvis ikke er blevet støttet 1:1, Syntetiske materialer kan være blevet brugt til at 'manipulere' reelle aktiekurser

Den dec. 4, 2022, a report details that FTX-based synthetic stocks may have been used to manipulate the value of AMC shares. I maj 2021, FTX offered 36 tokenized stocks but speculators believe its questionable whether or not the firm actually

Rapport: Genesis skylder Gemini-kunder $900 Million, Udveksling forsøger at genvinde aktiver

Det viser en nylig rapport fra Financial Times (FT), Genesis Global Capital skylder angiveligt $900 millioner til Gemini-kunder. Børsen, der drives af Cameron og Tyler Winklevoss, forsøger at inddrive midlerne fra Genesis, ifølge FTs kilder. Rapport…

WEMIX afnotering: Sydkoreansk Crypto Exchange Upbit anklaget for at anstifte tokenfjernelse

According to the CEO of Wemade, Henry Chang, the South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Upbit was the brains behind the Digital Asset Exchange Joint Consultative Body (DAXA)’s decision to delist WEMIX. The Wemade CEO accused Upbit of applying different standards and of

Rapport: Statens værdipapirtilsynsmyndigheder undersøger Crypto Lender Genesis

Statslige værdipapirtilsynsmyndigheder undersøger angiveligt Genesis Global Capital i en bred vifte af undersøgelser af "kryptofirmaernes indbyrdes forbundne forbindelse,” fortalte Barron fredag. Rapporten bemærker, at Alabama Securities Commission undersøger, om cryptocurrency-firmaer har eller ej…

Finansguru Dave Ramsey vejer ind over FTX-kollaps — gentager sin krypto-advarsel

Personal finance guru Dave Ramsey has weighed in on the collapse of cryptocurrency exchange FTX. “I told you so,” he repeatedly said, reiterating his long-standing advice that investors should not put money into crypto. Dave Ramsey on Bitcoin, Crypto, og…