Andreessen Horowitz lancerer A16z Crypto Research Lab

A16z, also known as Andreessen Horowitz, the venture capital (VC) company that has invested millions in crypto-related projects, has announced the launch of its own crypto research lab. This new initiative seeks to marry academic research with producing ideas and putting

Shiba Inus nye brændeportal belønner SHIB-brændere for at ødelægge deres tokens

Shiba inu-indehavere kan nu få belønninger for at brænde deres SHIB-tokens som projektet’s udviklingsteam lancerede officielt Shibaswap burn-portalen. Ifølge holdet, SHIB burners generate passive income in the form of RYOSHI rewards by holding on

Polygon afslører supernetprojekt for at styrke Web3-adoption, Tilsagn $100 Million til tidlige brugere

Den april 22, the layer two (L2) scaling network Polygon introduced the new Supernets network, a blockchain protocol thats built to bolster Web3 technology. desuden, Polygon is pledging $100 million to early Supernet userswho can help fast-track adoption.” marts…

Kryptovirksomheder spørger 27 EU's finansministre skal løsne oplysningskravene

Forty-six European crypto businesses and organizations have asked finance ministers in 27 European countries to loosen some regulatory requirements for the crypto industry. For eksempel, they asked for decentralized finance (defi) projects to be excluded from the requirements to register as

Teslas administrerende direktør Elon Musk afslører, hvordan han vil forbedre Twitter, hvis buddet lykkes

Tesla og Spacex CEO Elon Musk har afsløret sine prioriteter for at forbedre Twitter, hvis han med succes overtager den sociale medieplatform. Blandt hans løfter er at fjerne crypto spambots, sikre ytringsfriheden, implementere redigeringsfunktionalitet, and simplify the account

Gas-til-Bitcoin-minefirmaet Crusoe Energy Systems hæver $505 Million

På torsdag, bitcoin-mine- og flaregas-bekæmpelsesfirmaet Crusoe Energy Systems Inc. afslørede det sikret $505 millioner i ny kapital fra strategiske investorer. World Cup, Serie C-aktiefinansieringsrunden blev ledet af klimateknologien…

Rapport: Det sydafrikanske universitet udsteder Blockchain-baserede certifikater til afgangsstuderende

A South African university has said starting this year it will issue blockchain-based certificates to students graduating from the learning institution. University administrators argued that a blockchain-based certification system will help prevent fraud and end the production of fake documents. QR

Tesla Hodls Bitcoin: Balancen viser $1,26 mia. i digitale aktiver

Elon Musk’s electric car company, Tesla, is hodling bitcoin. Virksomheden’s balance sheet shows $1.261 billion in digital assets. Tesla has neither purchased nor sold any crypto assets since the first quarter of last year. Tesla Continues to Hodl Bitcoin Tesla

Trons Justin Sun afslører decentraliseret algoritmisk Stablecoin USDD

Den april 21, Justin Sun, grundlæggeren af ​​Tron, annoncerede lanceringen af ​​en decentraliseret algoritmisk stablecoin kaldet USDD. Sun sagde torsdag, at USDD-netværket vil “yde forældremyndighed til $10 [milliard] worth of highly liquid assets raised

Hviderusland vedtager juridisk procedure for beslaglæggelse af ulovlig kryptovaluta

Implementing a recently signed presidential decree, the government of Belarus has introduced a procedure allowing the state to seize digital currency holdings. The move will grant law enforcement authorities in Minsk powers to seize crypto assets linked to illegal activities. Justice