Legetøjsproducenten Mattel og Cryptoys annoncerer Masters of the Universe NFT Collection

Denne uge, in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Masters of the Universe (MOTU) franchise, the toy manufacturing company Mattel announced the launch of the official MOTU digital toy collection. The new collection, dropping on November 9, will feature classic

Funko samarbejder med underholdningsgiganten Paramount for at droppe Avatar Legends NFT'er

i juli 29, det popkulturelle forbrugerproduktfirma, Funko, annonceret, at virksomheden har indgået partnerskab med det multinationale massemedie- og underholdningsselskab Paramount Global. De to selskaber planlægger at introducere en række ikke-fungible tokens (NFT'er) based on the Avatar

Funko planlægger at lancere Jay og Silent Bob NFT Collection via Digital Collectibles Platform Droppp

Three months ago, Funko Inc., disclosed that it was entering the non-fungible token (NFT) industry when it announced it acquired a majority ownership stake in the NFT startup Tokenwave. Dengang, Funko’s CEO Brian Mariotti explained thatFunko Pop digital

Legetøjsfirmaer Hasbro, Funko, og Mattel henvender sig til Wax som betroet partner

William Quigley loved baseball cards during his pre-teens. As the founder of WAX (Worldwide Asset Exchange), you might think Quigleys crowning achievement may have been to strike a deal with Topps Baseball Card company, so WAX could manage and create NFTs

NFT Markedssalget falder med mere end 50% - Populær NFT Collection Trade Volumes Nosedive

Efter ikke-fungibelt token (NFT) salget steg i løbet af august måned, den første uge i september’s NFT -salg har været forfærdeligt. Statistik viser, at antallet af salg i midten af ​​august tappede en høj på 193,693 salget, men faldt 86% til 27,053 salg…