Plan B's Stock-to-Flow-prismodel fordømt af Vitalik Buterin, Siger, at model kan være 'skadelig'

For a few years now, the pseudonymous creator of the popular stock-to-flow (S2F) bitcoin price model, Plan B, has become a very well known bitcoin influencer gathering 1.8 million Twitter followers. Imidlertid, after the S2F price model didnt come to fruition

Peter Thiel siger, at hans 'største fejl i årtiet var at komme for sent og for lidt i Bitcoin'

During a discussion published on March 12, 2022, the billionaire entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Peter Thiel discussed how he built Paypal with fellow co-founders Max Levchin, David Sacks, and Luke Nosek. Toward the end of the hour-long conversation, the topic quickly