Twitters aktionærer stemmer overvældende for, at Elon Musk skal overtage den sociale medieplatform

Twitter’s shareholders have overwhelmingly voted for Tesla CEO Elon Musk to take over the social media platform. “Approximately 98.6% of the votes cast at the special meeting approved the proposal to adopt the merger agreement,” the social media giant said. Aktionærer…

Elon Musk skitserer nye grunde til at afslutte Twitter-aftalen med henvisning til whistleblower

Teslas administrerende direktør Elon Musk har skitseret nye grunde til at opsige $44 milliardaftale om at købe Twitter i en ny ansøgning til U.S.A. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK). Citerer en whistleblower-rapport, Musk’s advokat sagde beskyldningerne, known to the

Elon Musk, Tesla, Spacex Facing $258 Billion retssag for at promovere Dogecoin

Elon Musk, Tesla, og Spacex bliver sagsøgt for $258 billion over claims that they “er engageret i et kryptopyramidespil (alias Ponzi-skema) by way of dogecoin cryptocurrency.The lawsuit states that Musk and his companiesfalsely and deceptively