Schweiz' største bank UBS forventer, at amerikansk kryptolovgivning tager tid

Schweiz’s largest bank, UBS, expects the United States Congress to take a long time to pass cryptocurrency legislation despite mounting interest in crypto investments and regulators calling for Congress to weigh in on crypto legislation. Congress Could Take a Long Time

Deloitte: 82% af de undersøgte indianere planlægger at investere i krypto, når regeringen giver reguleringsklarhed

Det viser en nylig undersøgelse fra Deloitte 82% af indianerne planlægger at investere i kryptovaluta, når regeringen giver mere klarhed omkring reguleringen af ​​kryptoaktiver. i øvrigt, 77.4% af de adspurgte ønsker, at kryptovaluta skal behandles som værdipapirer. Indisk kryptoundersøgelse:…

100 Virksomheder undlader at opnå krypto-licenser i Singapore på grund af hård regulering

Mere end 100 companies that applied for a license to offer crypto services in Singapore have either been turned down or withdrawn their applications. “Cryptocurrencies could be abused for money laundering, terrorism financing, or proliferation financing due to the speed and

Indisk lovgiver siger, at krypto skal blokeres, hvis det bruges til ulovlige formål

Indien’s minister of state for external affairs says that cryptocurrencies must be blocked if they are used for illegal purposes, such asto launch cyber-attacks in India, to launch other attacks on India, to do other kinds of illegal and unethical

Premierminister Modis Twitter-konto hacket - Tweets Bitcoins juridiske betalingsmiddel i Indien, Regeringen giver væk BTC

The Twitter account of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was compromised and a tweet was posted claiming that the government of India has adopted bitcoin as legal tender and purchased 500 coins to distribute to all residents in the country. This

Indisk kryptoregning: Exchange CEO diskuterer, hvad man kan forvente

There are reports that the Indian government may impose restrictions on self-custodial cryptocurrency wallets and only allow Indian crypto exchanges. The CEO of a major cryptocurrency exchange in India has shared his thoughts on the possible restrictions. The Indian government has

Den hinduistiske paramilitære gruppe opfordrer den indiske regering til at regulere kryptovalutaer

Hindu nationalist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has called on the Indian government to regulate cryptocurrencies. “The government has to ensure that it is regulated in the larger interest of the society,” the group reportedly said. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Calls for

29 Vores fokus nu er at sætte pengene på arbejde og hjælpe nogle af de mest innovative projekter og deres usædvanligt talentfulde grundlæggere med at accelerere udviklingen af ​​deres virksomheder og protokoller, 37 Børser skal lukkes

The deadline for crypto exchanges and service providers in South Korea to meet requirements to stay open under the new regulation has passed. Twenty-nine cryptocurrency exchanges met the deadline to continue operations but only four of them can offer trading in