Overførsler til lav- og mellemindkomstlande i 2022 Op af 5% til $626 Milliard — Seneste Verdensbankrapport

Despite the headwinds that have dominated the year, remittances to low and middle-income countries in 2022 still grew by 5% til $626 milliard, the World Bank Migration and Development Brief has said. Afrika, where the cost of sending $200 averaged 7.8%

Binance opnår registrering som kryptotjenesteudbyder på Cypern

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance will be able to offer services for digital assets in Cyprus as the platform is now registered with the country’s securities regulator. The news comes after the company obtained similar approvals in several other European jurisdictions. Global Exchange

Hongkong introducerer licens til kryptoplatforme gennem AML-loven

New legislation tailored to regulate the crypto space in Hong Kong aims to implement a licensing regime for crypto service providers. The respective changes to the regions anti-money laundering (AML) rules have been submitted to its legislature while a recently published

Bank of Spain åbner et obligatorisk register for VASP'er

The Bank Of Spain has finally opened the mandatory registry for Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASP'er) in the country. The bank also dispelled doubts that financial institutions had regarding whether they had to apply for the registry given they already comply

Estland overvejer at tilbagekalde kryptolicenser som regeringens krav om strengere regler

Myndighederne i Estland arbejder på ny lovgivning, der forventes at stramme reglerne for landet’s kryptovaluta sektor. Den baltiske nation’s regulator for branchen overvejer, om man skal tilbagekalde tidligere udstedte kryptolicenser og genstarte autorisation fra bunden. Licensed Crypto