Bividend: Nasdaq-noteret selskab til at betale udbytte i Bitcoin efter aktionærernes valg

Nasdaq-Listed Company to Pay Dividends in Bitcoin

Et Nasdaq-noteret selskab har meddelt, at aktionærer kan modtage udbytte i bitcoin. Virksomheden hævder at være den første til at betale udbytte i kryptovalutaen.

‘Første nogensinde udbytte, der betales i Bitcoin af et Nasdaq-noteret selskab’

Blockchain-virksomheden BTCS Inc. (Nasdaq: BTCS) announced Wednesdaythe first-ever dividend payable in bitcoin by a Nasdaq-listed company.BTCS refers to the dividend as Bividend.

Charles Allen, BTCS’ CEO, kommenterede:

We are the first Nasdaq-listed company to pay a Bividend, a dividend payable in bitcoin at the option of our shareholders.

BTCS intends to pay $0.05 per share in bitcoin, based on the bitcoin price on the ex-dividend date. Investors who do not elect to receive the Bividend in bitcoin will receive a cash dividend of $0.05,the company detailed.

The Nasdaq-listed blockchain company is developing a proprietary staking-as-a-service platform to allow users to stake and delegate supported cryptocurrencies through a non-custodial platform.

BTCS’ proprietary digital asset data analytics platform currently supports six exchanges and over 800 digitale aktiver. The company plans to broaden its suite of performance-tracking tools.

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