Chatgpt 'Er den nye krypto,Meta siger, at malware-aktører udnytter AI-dille

Et stigende antal malware-skabere udnytter nu den betydelige interesse for Chatgpt for at lokke ofre til, Facebook-ejer Meta har bemærket. Ifølge dens chef for informationssikkerhed, the AI-based chatbot is “the new crypto” for bad actors

Verdens største regionale organisation til at skifte til bosættelser i nationale valutaer

A China-led regional organization that covers more than half of Eurasia intends to transition to settlements in the currencies of its members. While the plan is to abandon the U.S. dollar in mutual payments, participating nations are yet to consider a

Rusland vil øge afhængigheden af ​​nationale valutaer i energihandel, Lover at flytte væk fra den amerikanske dollar

Russia will increase its reliance on national currencies to settle payments for its energy resources, moving away from the US dollar, according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. Novak noted there is a great interest in acquiring Russian energy resources,…

Brasiliansk regering forbereder nyt dekret for at tydeliggøre regler for kryptovaluta

The Brazilian government is preparing to release a decree to fill the blank spaces that the recent approval of the cryptocurrency law has left open. Dokumentet, prepared by the Ministry of Finance, will establish the areas of oversight and responsibilities

Meta forbereder sig angiveligt til en ny runde af fyringer

Meta, the company that owns Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook, is reportedly preparing to announce a new round of layoffs in the coming days. Ifølge rapporter, the company is delaying the finalization of the budget for each one of its teams,…

Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin: SOL rebounds fra seneste tab, ATOM 5% Højere på fredag

Cosmos raced higher for a second straight session, after recently snapping a four-day losing streak. Fridays move saw the token move closer to a key resistance level of $12.50. Solana also moved higher earlier in the day, as price bounced from

Litecoin skal gennemgå blokbelønningshalvering på lidt over 200 Dage, Først blandt store PoW-kryptovalutaer

In roughly 202 dage, the cryptocurrency network Litecoin (LTC) will experience a block reward halving on or around Aug. 3, 2023. Litecoin will be the first major proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain to see a reward reduction before Bitcoins upcoming halving, som er…

Square Enix for at uddybe sin Blockchain-indsats i 2023

Square Enix, the Japanese gaming giant, is preparing to announce more blockchain-based titles in 2023. As part of a now traditional new year’s letter issued by Yosuke Matsuda, CEO of the company, the executive announced some of the moves Square Enix

Geminis Cameron Winklevoss insisterer på, at Digital Currency Group skal løse likviditetsproblemer i åbent brev til CEO Barry Silbert

Cameron Winklevoss, medstifter af kryptovalutabørsen Gemini, offentliggjort et åbent brev til Digital Currency Group (DCG) CEO Barry Silbert den jan. 2, 2022, med angivelse af, at det havde været 47 dage siden tilbagetrækninger fra Første Mosebog var blevet standset. I brevet,…