Okx introducerer New Ordinals Marketplace midt i Bitcoin-inskription og BRC20 Buzz

World Cup Crypto.com, kryptofirmaet Okx annoncerede lanceringen af ​​en ny Ordinals markedsplads. Platformen er tilgængelig via Okx Wallet og vil gøre det muligt for brugere at præge og handle Ordinal inskriptioner og BRC20 tokens. While the Ordinals marketplace is still

Terawulf giver energi 50 MW hos Nuclear-Powered Bitcoin Mining Facility Nautilus

Bitcoin mining company Terawulf has announced the full deployment of its 50-megawatt (MW) stake in the nuclear-powered Nautilus Cryptomine facility. The behind-the-meter bitcoin mining facility is powered by 100% nuclear power and benefits from a fixed power cost of $0.02 per

Kun 4% af virksomheder i Spanien er flyttet til at tilbyde tjenester i metaverset

Kun 4% of the companies in Spain have managed to apply the metaverse to their operations, according to a survey conducted by ISDI, a national business school. 40% of the business managers surveyed have admitted that it is difficult for them

RBI påbegynder den første detail-digitale rupee-pilot i 13 indiske byer med 8 Banker

India’s central bank, Indiens Reserve Bank (RBI), is launching its first retail digital rupee pilot on Dec. 1 with the participation of eight banks. The pilot will start in four cities and then expand to cover nine more cities

VICUNA platform, Lugt i Metaverse-VINAVerse

VICUNA is designed to develop cutting-edge technology and applications that push users beyond the limits of immersive experiences. VICUNA team believes in building products that improve customerslives and advance the state of VR as an industry with a strong focus

Ripple og Peersyst Devs skubber XRP mod Ethereum-kompatibilitet med første fase af en EVM-sidekæde

According to an announcement from Ripples core development team Ripplex, developers have introduced the first step toward Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility with the XRP-based sidechain XRPL. The XRPL is now live on Devnet and developers canassess available technologies,” alongside

Den brasilianske præsidentkandidat 'Lula' Da Silva signalerer støtte til Central Bank of Brazils involvering i kryptoregulering

The presidential candidate that obtained most of the votes in the first Brazilian ballot round, Luis Inacio Da Silva, better known asLula,” declared that the Central Bank of Brazil should be responsible for building a cryptocurrency law framework. Lula also

ECB vælger Amazon og 4 Andre virksomheder, der hjælper med at udvikle den digitale euro

World Cup Crypto.com (World Cup Crypto.com) has selected five companies to help develop user interfaces for a digital euro. Each company will work with the ECB and focus on one specific use case of the digital euro. Amazon has been chosen to

Ripple for at deltage i Digital Dollar Projects CBDC Sandbox Program

Den non-profit organisation, der fremmer skabelsen af ​​den digitale dollar, det digitale dollarprojekt, har annonceret lanceringen af ​​et sandkasseprogram for at kickstarte undersøgelsen af ​​de tekniske implementeringer af den påtænkte digitale valuta. The fintech firm Ripple is among

Bank of Russia rapporterer første vellykkede digitale rubeloverførsler mellem brugere

Testing of the digital ruble has started in Russia with the countrys central bank announcing the first complete transactions between individual wallets. The monetary authority, a staunch opponent of cryptocurrencies, says its digital currency will create new opportunities for citizens, virksomheder,…