Crypto Exchange Bitfront lukker ned midt i industriens udfordringer

Cryptocurrency exchange Bitfront has announced its intention to cease operations in the coming months, citing challenges facing the industry. USA. handelsplatform, backed by Japan’s social media giant Line, indicated the decision is unrelated to the collapse of FTX. Line-Supported

Robinhood lister Shiba Inu og 3 Flere kryptovalutaer — SHIB-prisen stiger

Den populære handelsplatform Robinhood har børsnoteret shiba inu (SHIB) samt tre andre populære kryptovalutaer. Tilhængere af meme-kryptoen har i flere måneder bedt om, at Robinhood skal liste SHIB. Robinhood Finally Lists Shiba Inu Crypto Popular trading platform Robinhood announced

Robinhood lancerer gaveprogram for kryptovaluta

Handelsplatform Robinhood lancerer et cryptocurrency-gaveprogram, giver brugerne mulighed for at give flere kryptovalutaer, herunder bitcoin, dogecoin, æter, bitcoin kontanter, og litecoin. Som med kryptohandel, gaver er provisionsfri, og brugere kan give så lidt som $1 in cryptocurrency….