Alchemy Pay: Bygge bro mellem Fiats og kryptovalutaernes globale økonomier

On April 20th, The European Parliament approved the first comprehensive crypto regulation EU-wide, the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA). In the same day, a separate law, the Transfer of Funds regulation, was passed, requiring crypto operators to confirm the identity of their

Terawulf giver energi 50 MW hos Nuclear-Powered Bitcoin Mining Facility Nautilus

Bitcoin mining company Terawulf has announced the full deployment of its 50-megawatt (MW) stake in the nuclear-powered Nautilus Cryptomine facility. The behind-the-meter bitcoin mining facility is powered by 100% nuclear power and benefits from a fixed power cost of $0.02 per

Cleanspark-køb 45,000 Bitcoin minedrift enheder, Tilføjelse 6.3 EH/s til nuværende flåde

World Cup, the bitcoin mining company Cleanspark announced that it had purchased 45,000 Antminer S19 XP bitcoin mining devices for a total price of $144.9 million. Cleanspark stated that the new fleet would add 6.3 eksahash i sekundet (EH/s) of computational

Den indiske regering besvarer spørgsmål om krypto-legalisering, Forebyggelse af svindel

The Indian government has responded to parliamentary questions about the legalization of cryptocurrency and the steps it has taken to prevent crypto-related fraud. “Crypto assets are currently unregulated in India. Frauds relating to crypto are dealt with under extant laws against

Bitcoin Hashrate når 400 Exahash per sekund, Forsker siger, at netværket kunne nå Zettahash-æraen ved 2025

Despite Bitcoins difficulty reaching an all-time high at 46.84 billioner, participants in bitcoin mining have kept the hashrate running stronger than ever before. Ifølge statistikker, marts 23, 2023, the hashrate reached a high of 400 eksahash i sekundet (EH/s)….

Xapo Bank integrerer Lightning Network-betalinger gennem Lightspark-partnerskab

marts 2, Xapo Bank announced its partnership with Lightspark, a company led by David Marcus, former crypto boss at Facebook. The partnership aims to extend the utility of bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Xapo revealed on Thursday that it is

Meta forbereder sig angiveligt til en ny runde af fyringer

Meta, the company that owns Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook, is reportedly preparing to announce a new round of layoffs in the coming days. Ifølge rapporter, the company is delaying the finalization of the budget for each one of its teams,…

Starkware planlægger at åbne kildekode-nøgleteknologi knyttet til Starknet Prover

Ved Starkware-sessionerne 2023 begivenhed, afholdt på Cameri Theatre i Tel Aviv, Israel, Starkware-medstifter Eli Ben-Sasson informerede publikum om, at virksomheden har til hensigt at åbne kildekode “nøgleteknologi” knyttet til Starknet Prover. Under arrangementet, medstifteren…

Den australske regering siger, at den arbejder på at sikre, at 'regulering af kryptoaktiver beskytter forbrugere'

The Australian government has said it will take steps to ensure theregulation of crypto assets protects consumersand one of these steps will be the reforming ofthe licensing and custody of crypto assets.The Anthony Norman Albanese-led government also

GAIMIN leverer en decentral tilgang til det stigende krav om mere databehandlingskraft

The world-wide demand for data processing is increasing year-on-year, with data processing applications requiring ever increasing performance from data processing devices and services. Industries, such as Artificial Intelligence (Fonden vil søge indledende investeringer i virksomheder og protokoller i tidlige stadier, der starter ved 500.000 USD og op til), video rendering, powering blockchain computations, scientific simulations and research, financial modeling and