ATPBot lancerede en ægte AI kvantitativ handelsbot

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. For nylig, ATPBot, the first truly quantitative trading bot, announced that it can now connect to the Binance API for trading, providing users with more opportunities to trade cryptocurrencies. By registering ATPBot, connect to Binance Exchange, enter your investment amount

Beslutningsbaseret Vestbørs opstår, Sigter mod at demokratisere evige fremtider

A new decentralized exchange (dex) on Arbitrum, called Vest Exchange, was announced this past weekend, and the team that created the project said the platform aims to focus on democratizing perpetual futures. The team behind Vest further detailed that the new

At stole på centraliserede databaser gør Dapps sårbare over for datamanipulation, siger Nate Holiday

Decentralized applications (dapps) are prone to data tampering because theyare largely built on top of centralized databases and services,” the CEO of Space and Time Nate Holiday has said. The CEO also shared a list of data tampering risks which

Minerapport viser, at Bitcoins elforbrug er faldet med 25% i Q1 2022

I slutningen af ​​maj sidste år, Tesla’s Elon Musk overbeviste bitcoin-industriens ledere om at danne et Bitcoin-mineråd (BMC) og midt i juli, BMC lancerede sine offentlige tjenester og hjemmeside. Den april 25, 2022, organisationen udgav en rapport…

FinCEN links mere end $5 Milliarder i Bitcoin-transaktioner til Ransomware

FinCEN, USA. Netværk for håndhævelse af finansiel kriminalitet, knyttet mere end $5 milliarder i bitcoin-transaktioner til de mest almindelige ransomware-varianter derude. The organization stated in a report issued last week that the mean average total monthly suspicious amount of