Binance fjerner angiveligt restriktioner for russiske brugere

Verdenen’s største kryptobørs, Binance, har ophævet visse restriktioner for russiske brugere, lokale kryptomedier afsløret. Ifølge flere rapporter, Russians can once again use their bank cards to make deposits and the trading platform has canceled a limit on

Kryptoudvekslinger tillader russere at omgå sanktioner, Rapporter påstande

Store kryptobørser har undladt at forhindre sanktionerede russiske banker og handlende i at handle, ifølge en blockchain retsmedicinsk rapport. Mindst to etablerede mønthandelsplatforme giver fortsat russere mulighed for at bruge deres bankkort i peer-to-peer-aftaler, analysen…

Polygon annoncerer kommende Hard Fork for at imødegå gasspidser og kædereorganiseringer

The Ethereum scaling blockchain, Polygon, has revealed plans to initiate a hard fork on Jan. 17, 2023. Ifølge holdet, the network upgrade willreduce the severity of gas spikes” og “address chain reorganizations (reorgs) in an effort to reduce

Rapport: Nigeria stopper kontanthævninger fra statskonti

Fra starten af ​​marts, Nigerianske embedsmænd vil blive udelukket fra at hæve kontanter fra statens bankkonti, sagde lederen af ​​den nigerianske finansielle efterretningsenhed. Public officials that want to be exempted from this new regulation will have

Crypto Twitter taler op for Hal Finneys konto, SBF blev efter sigende fortalt af Binance CEO: Stop med at forårsage 'mere skade' - News Week i gennemgang

Bitcoiners on Twitter recently pleaded with the CEO of the social media platform, Elon Musk, to preserve the account of late computer scientist and bitcoin pioneer Hal Finney. The outcry came after Musk announced that a mass of inactive accounts would

Den Europæiske Union sætter en grænse på 10.000 euro for kontantbetalinger; Transaktioner over €1.000 i Crypto vil blive undersøgt

The states of the European Union have convened to establish a new limit on cash purchases and to strengthen the controls on cryptocurrency transactions. Den nov. 6 the bloc agreed to put a limit of €10,000 ($10,557) on cash payments and

Nigeria annoncerer nye restriktioner for udbetaling af kontanter - pengeautomater begrænset til mindre end $44 Per dag

In a new directive to financial institutions, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) said individuals can now only withdraw an equivalent of just under $222 per week while corporates can only withdraw cash not exceeding $1,111 during the same period. Det…

VICUNA platform, Lugt i Metaverse-VINAVerse

VICUNA is designed to develop cutting-edge technology and applications that push users beyond the limits of immersive experiences. VICUNA team believes in building products that improve customerslives and advance the state of VR as an industry with a strong focus