Store nedsænkningskølede kryptominefarme til at udvinde Bitcoin i Mellemøstens ørken

A project to build two large-scale facilities for cryptocurrency mining is underway in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The high-tech data centers will rely on a full immersion solution to cool the power-hungry miners as the desert climate renders air-cooled mining

'Panik i 2023': James Corbett forklarer, hvordan bankkrise kunne føre til CBDC 'Mareridt med total monetær kontrol'

Investigative journalist James Corbett has recently referred to the ongoing global banking crisis involving SVB, Signatur Bank, Credit Suisse and others as thePanic of 2023,drawing comparisons to what he views as historical precedents, and pointing ahead to an inevitable

G20-finanschefer anerkender bredt, at krypto udgør store finansielle stabilitetsrisici, Siger den indiske centralbankchef

The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors recognize that cryptocurrencies pose major risks to financial stability, monetary systems, and cyber security, India’s central bank governor reportedly said. Crypto regulation was among the key topics discussed during the G20 meeting over

Coinbase CEO opfordrer Kongressen til at vedtage klar kryptolovgivning - advarer Amerika risikerer at miste status som finansiel hub

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has called on Congress to pass clear crypto legislation, warning that the U.S. risks losing its status as a financial hub. “Crypto is open to everyone in the world and others are leading,” the executive stressed. Coinbase’s

Davos 2023: CBDC'er er fremtiden for centralbankpenge, men de er stadig ikke klar

A World Economic Forum (WEF) panel comprised of central bankers and global tech providers has profiled central bank digital currencies (CBDC'er) as the future of central bank money, presenting them as one of the solutions for limitations in the payments sector

Binance nu autoriseret i 7 EU-lande — Sverige bliver den seneste medlemsstat til at give godkendelse

Crypto exchange Binance is now legal to operate in seven European countries following the latest approval by Sweden’s financial regulator. Overall, Binance has been approved to operate in 15 jurisdictions, including seven EU countries. Binance Approved to Operate in 7 jeg…

Forskning viser, at centraliserede udvekslinger fik flest besøg fra amerikanere i år, koreanere, russere

Residents of the United States, South Korea and the Russian Federation have been the most frequent users of centralized exchanges this year, according to a new study. The finding comes after the spectacular crash of FTX, one of the largest such

Binance lancerer milliard-dollar Crypto Industry Recovery Fund for at genoprette tilliden efter FTX-nedsmeltning

Binance har forpligtet sig $1 milliarder til et genopretningsinitiativ for kryptoindustrien for at genoprette tilliden efter sammenbruddet af kryptobørsen FTX. Flere andre kryptovirksomheder har tilsluttet sig Binances indsats og forpligtet kapital til inddrivelsesfonden. Crypto Industry Recovery Initiative lanceret…

Bitget giver investorer en fordel med en række kryptosociale handelsfunktioner

For most retail investors, trading has traditionally been a solitary exercise, making the barrier to entry relatively high. Information regarding trading instruments and market conditions can often be hard to come by or, at other times, too complex for beginners to

New Yorks guvernør underskriver lov, der delvist forbyder Bitcoin-minedrift på fossile brændstoffer

A moratorium on some crypto mining operations relying on carbon-based energy has been signed into law in New York. Businesses engaged in proof-of-work mining in the state will not be able to expand or renew their permits for the next two