Argentinsk peso taber næsten 12% Against the Greenback i løbet af januar; Inflationen forventes at stige kraftigt

The Argentine peso has fallen consistently against the U.S. dollar this month, losing almost 12% since Jan. 1. The behavior of the exchange rate for the informalbluedollar keeps bringing concerns about a possible escalade in inflation rates, that are

Økonom Peter Schiff advarer om, at den amerikanske dollar vil styrte - siger "Vi går til standard"

Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. dollar will crash. Noting that the U.S. er “in a much bigger fiscal mess than Great Britain,” with a much bigger debt problem, Schiff stressed: “Can we possibly repay this debt? Selvfølgelig…

Det nigerianske præsidentielle Hopefuls parti siger, at det vil gennemgå landets blockchain- og kryptopolitik, hvis det bliver valgt

The party of the Nigerian presidential hopeful Asiwaju Bola Tinubu has promised to set up an advisory committee to review regulations that govern blockchain and virtual asset services if it wins in the upcoming elections. The All Progressives Congress also said

Valutastrateger fra Citi Say Euro Could Synke til $0.86 hvis makrouroen fortsætter

While the euro has found support between 0.96 til 0.97 nominal U.S. dollars per unit, foreign exchange (FX) strategists from Citi believe the euro could tap a low of around $0.86 against the greenback. While the dollar slumped on October 13,

EU forbyder kryptotjenester til russere i nye sanktioner over Ukraine-eskalering

An array of crypto-related services have been targeted in the latest round of sanctions on Russia approved by the EU. The measures are part of an expected tightening of the economic and financial restrictions in response to Moscows decision to annex

Rubelstigninger mod greenback, Etiopisk Birr-kursgab bliver større; Kiyosaki: 'Enden er her' for falske penge - uge i gennemgang

Rumors of expanding war, massive inflation destroying peoples purchasing power, and widespread volatility in the world of fiat currencies shaped the news this past week, with similarly dynamic developments in the world of cryptocurrency. Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki

9,404 Krypto-mineudstyr beslaglagt af iranske myndigheder siden marts

Iranske myndigheder har beslaglagt næsten 10,000 ulovlige cryptocurrency-mine-enheder siden marts. Ifølge rapporter, mange af de beslaglagte kryptominerigge opererede på offentlige steder, der modtager gratis eller stærkt subsidieret elektricitet, såsom skoler og moskeer. Iran Confiscates Nearly

Amerikanske økonomer er forvirrede over en 'usædvanlig situation', da Ruslands rubel er verdens bedst ydende Fiat-valuta

To måneder efter, at den russiske rubel faldt under en amerikansk. øre, the transcontinental countrys fiat currency is the best performing currency worldwide. American economists are baffled by theunusual situationbecause a country facing stiff sanctions typically sees its fiat currency

'Big Short'-investor Michael Burry advarer om truende forbrugerrecession, Flere indtjeningsproblemer

Hedgefondsforvalter Michael Burry, berømt for at forudsige 2008 finansielle krise, har advaret om en truende forbrugerrecession og flere indtjeningsproblemer. Han citerede faldende U.S. personal savings and record-setting revolving credit card debt despite trillions of dollars in stimulus

Abkhasien forlænger forbuddet mod kryptominedrift indtil årets udgang

Authorities in Abkhazia have decided to maintain a ban on cryptocurrency mining in the territory. The partially recognized republic in the South Caucasus is restricting the energy-intensive extraction of digital currencies, citing problems with power supply. Bitcoin Mining Remains Prohibited in