Chip Giant Intel opgiver Bitcoin ASIC-produktion

After announcing the production of bitcoin application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC'er), Intel, the world’s largest semiconductor chip manufacturer by revenue, appears to be abandoning its blockchain chip production. World Cup, a spokesperson for the chip manufacturer explained that Intel hasend-of-lifed the

Politiet i Kosovo beslaglægger kryptominerigge fra serbere

Kosovos politi har beslaglagt snesevis af kryptomineudstyr fra indbyggere i en serbisk majoritetsregion i den nordlige del af landet. Myndighederne i Pristina og Beograd udvekslede beskyldninger om flytningen, which has the potential to raise tensions in the

Bitcoins 'grundlæggende værdi er ikke i overensstemmelse med markedsprisen' - Crypto Miner

Profitable bitcoin mining is essentially a result of an efficient and highly skilled team of professionals that can maintain runtime, a founder of a Bitcoin mining company has asserted. Derfor, even when the price is hovering around $20,000, a bitcoin miner

Bliv rigtig, Lagarde — Det underliggende aktiv 'garanterer' din euro-svindelmønt er en pistol

With the approaching tsunami of central bank digital currencies (CBDC'er) looming ever closer, it shouldnt come as a surprise when central banks shill their coins at the expense of sounder assets. For nylig, European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde went so far

Fidelity diskuterer fremtiden for kryptoøkosystem - siger, at Bitcoin er 'en overlegen form for penge'

Fidelity Digital Assets has released a report explaining why bitcoin is a superior form of money. The report discusses the future of the digital asset ecosystem and compares bitcoin to newer and smaller cryptocurrencies. Fidelity SaysBitcoin First’ Fidelity digitale aktiver,…

Kosovo beslaglægger hundredvis af kryptominemaskiner i forbindelse med undertrykkelse

Police in Kosovo seized another batch of over 200 mining devices as part of raids that started on Thursday. The offensive against underground crypto farms was launched after authorities in Pristina banned the power-hungry minting of digital currencies amid an energy