Indisk kryptobørs Wazirx kalder Binances påstande 'falske og udokumenterede' - søger klageadgang

Indian crypto exchange Wazirx has denied the allegations made by Binance regarding the relationship between the two crypto exchanges. Emphasizing that the allegationsare false and unsubstantiated,” Wazirx stressed. “As far as Binance’s actions are concerned, we are taking the necessary

Det sydafrikanske tvistbilæggelseskontor siger, at det nu overvejer krypto-relaterede klager

According to South Africa’s Office of the FAIS Ombud, an independent dispute resolution office, individuals with crypto-related grievances that occurred after Oct. 19, 2022, can now formally submit such complaints on the agency’s website. Imidlertid, the Office of the FAIS Ombud

Advarsler om gældsdeflation, Shibarium Buzz ser SHIB stige, Tidligere FTX USA-præsident taler SBF, og mere — Uge i gennemgang

The Price of Tomorrowauthor Jeff Booth has warned of agreat depression on steroidsif the U.S. Federal Reserve keeps hiking interest rates, while buzz about the anticipated layer two (L2) scaling solution known as Shibarium has been the backdrop

Tidligere præsident for FTX US deler sin erfaring og forhold med CEO Sam Bankman-Fried i detaljeret Twitter-tråd

Den tidligere præsident for FTX US, Brett Harrison, udgav en 49-delt Twitter-tråd, der forklarer, hvorfor han forlod firmaet og hans forhold til medstifter Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) af FTX. Før sin rolle hos FTX US, Harrison arbejdede med SBF hos Jane…

Osprey kæmper for kontrol af Grayscale's Bitcoin Trust; Trons Justin Sun tilbyder at investere op til $1 mia i DCG-aktiver

Efter anklager fra U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission mod kryptobørsen Gemini og den digitale valutaudlåner Genesis, Tron-grundlæggeren Justin Sun fortalte pressen, at han muligvis er i stand til at købe aktiver fra Genesis, op til $1 milliard,…

El Salvador Chivo Wallet Programmer åbner op om påstået ID-svindel, Tekniske problemer og problemer med hvidvaskning af penge

A Chivo wallet programmer has opened up about the different problems that the flagship cryptocurrency wallet of El Salvador faced during its initial stages. Shaun Overton, who alleges he was hired to help in the handling of the issues, has talked

Den amerikanske regering beslaglægger Robinhood-aktier knyttet til FTX-grundlæggeren Sam Bankman-Fried

USA. Justitsministeriet (DOJ) is in the process of seizing Robinhood shares, worth about $460 million, that are linked to former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF). “We believe that these assets are not property of the bankruptcy estate or

'Big Short'-investor Michael Burry tvivler på, at SEC har ressourcer eller IQ til at undersøge kryptonoteringer på Coinbase korrekt

Hedgefondsforvalter Michael Burry, berømt for at forudsige 2008 finansielle krise, believes that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) neither has the resources nor the IQ points needed to correctly investigate crypto listings on Coinbase. Michael Burry on SEC

Krypto-relaterede retssager stiger i Rusland, Straffesager Stigning med 40%

Domstole i Rusland hører et stigende antal sager omkring kryptoaktiver, har en ny undersøgelse vist. About two-thirds of them have been launched under provisions of the countrys Criminal Code but civil cases represent a large share as well….

NY Attorney General advarer om at investere i kryptomarkedet - siger, at det er ekstremt uforudsigeligt, Ustabil

New York Attorney General Letitia James has issued a warning about investing in cryptocurrency. She said the crypto market isextremely unpredictable” og “unstable,” noting that the marketreached record lows” sidste måned. NY Attorney General Warns About Cryptocurrency New York