Rapport: Terraform Labs medstifter tiltalt for bedrageri i Sydkorea

Recent local reports have brought to light that Shin Hyun-seong, also known as Daniel Shin, co-founder of Terraform Labs, has been indicted by the Seoul Southern District ProsecutorsOffice on charges of fraud. Along with nine others, Shin is suspected of

Crypto Exchange Bitzlato gendanner brugeradgang til halvdelen af ​​Bitcoin-saldi, Rapport

Bitzlato-brugere kan nu delvist trække deres bitcoin-midler fra den afmonterede kryptovalutabørs, ifølge en medierapport. Den russisk-tilknyttede handelsplatform var målrettet af vestlige retshåndhævere og fik sin fransk-baserede serverinfrastruktur beslaglagt i januar. Bitzlato-kunder tilladt…

Russisk Domstol sender 3 Kryptorøvere til fængsel med strengt regime

Three Russians are going to spend time in high-security prison for stealing over a million U.S. dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency from another man. Ud over, the court has also ordered them to fully compensate the victim for the damages, prosecutors announced….

BTC-e's Alexander Vinnik ansøger om løsladelse mod kaution med henvisning til retssagsforsinkelse

Den påståede operatør af kryptobørs BTC-e, Alexander Vinnik, har bedt om at blive løsladt mod kaution på grund af forsinkelsen i retssagen. I begyndelsen af ​​august, den russiske it-specialist blev udleveret til USA for at blive anklaget for penge…

Russisk arresteret for bedrageri af købere af minedriftshardware, der er mere end værd $300,000

Police in the southern Russian city of Astrakhan have detained a man accused of defrauding people who wanted to purchase crypto miners. Law enforcement officials say the suspect made millions of rubles through fictitious sales of mining devices to Russian citizens

Politiet i Kasakhstan arresterer bande, der tvinger it-specialister til at drive kryptofarme

Law enforcement in Kazakhstan detained members of a crime group suspected of forcing IT experts into operating underground facilities for cryptocurrency mining with threats and blackmail. The racketeers allegedly made up to half a million U.S. dollars a month from their

Tidligere administrerende direktør for Crypto Exchange Wex Dmitry Vasiliev angiveligt tilbageholdt i Kroatien

Dmitry Vasiliev, medejer og tidligere administrerende direktør for den nu hedengangne ​​russiske kryptobørs Wex, er blevet anholdt ved indrejse i Kroatien, det rapporterede lokale medier. Krypto-iværksætteren er eftersøgt af Kasakhstan, hvor han er anklaget for at stjæle penge fra en investor….

Tidligere leder af Crypto Exchange Wex udgivet i Polen

Former chief executive of the Russian cryptocurrency exchange Wex, Dmitry Vasiliev, has been released from arrest in Warsaw earlier this month. The ex-head of the now-defunct coin trading platform has since returned to Russia while court proceedings against him in Poland

Russisk domstol bekræfter arrestordrer for 3 Finikos grundlæggere

Tatarstans highest court has rejected appeals against arrest warrants issued for three co-founders of the notorious Finiko crypto pyramid. The top representatives of the Ponzi scheme, accused of large-scale fraud in Russia, are still hiding abroad, media reports reveal. Three

Tidligere leder af Wex Crypto Exchange angiveligt arresteret i Polen, Står over for udlevering til Kasakhstan

Dmitry Vasiliev, former chief executive of Russian cryptocurrency exchange Wex, has been detained in Warsaw, the Polish press reported. Vasiliev is wanted in Kazakhstan where he is accused of fraud related to the now defunct trading platform, successor of the infamous