Påstået kenyansk lovforslag foreslår en udvidelse af definitionen af ​​værdipapirer til at inkludere kryptoaktiver

A bill seeking to put blockchain and crypto assets under the purview of the Kenyan Capital Markets Authority is supposedly set to be debated in the country’s parliament. The bill also seeks towiden the meaning of ‘securitiesto capture digital

Amerikansk lovgiver indfører lovforslag for at bekræfte, at blockchain-udviklere og ikke-forvaringstjenester ikke er pengetransmittere

A U.S. lawmaker has introduced the Blockchain Regulatory Certainty Act to ensure that developers and non-custodial service providers in the crypto space are not considered money transmitters and are not subject to the same level of regulation as custodial cryptocurrency exchanges….

Brasiliansk regering forbereder nyt dekret for at tydeliggøre regler for kryptovaluta

The Brazilian government is preparing to release a decree to fill the blank spaces that the recent approval of the cryptocurrency law has left open. Dokumentet, prepared by the Ministry of Finance, will establish the areas of oversight and responsibilities

Biden-administrationen anklaget for propaganda og 'omdefinering' af en recessions tekniske definition

After people have accused bureaucrats and government agencies of changing definitions during the last few years, Joe Biden’s administration now claims that a second consecutive quarter of negative gross domestic product (BNP) does not indicate the U.S. is in a recession….

Det paraguayanske senat godkender lov om kryptovaluta

The Paraguayan Senate has approved a bill that seeks to regulate cryptocurrencies and their operations in the country. The bill, which had already been submitted to the deputy chamber, was approved with some changes suggested, establishing clear definitions and tax exemptions

Usbekistans præsident udsteder dekret om regulering af kryptovalutaer, Minedrift og handel

The government of Uzbekistan has moved to expand its crypto regulations through a decree signed by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The document provides definitions for terms like crypto assets, exchange, and mining, and determines the main regulatory body for the industry. Agency

Amerikanske senatorer arbejder på bredbaseret kryptoregulering

Two U.S. senators are working on a bipartisan, broad-based regulatory framework for cryptocurrency. “The work were doing is going to be a very complex and intensive review of the different aspects of this industry,” said one of the senators. US Senators

Den canadiske musiker Grimes afslører 'Intergalactic Children's Metaverse Book' på Avalanche Summit

På torsdag, holdet bag udlånsprotokollen Anchor meddelte, at et forslag er vedtaget, og det decentraliserede pengemarked vil “implementere en mere bæredygtig semi-dynamisk indtjeningsrate.” Efter annonceringen, værdien af ​​protokollen’s native token ANC skred nogenlunde…

Minefirmaet Titan introducerer Lumerin, et projekt, der sigter mod at kommodificere Bitcoins hashpower

I oktober 21, bitcoin mining pool operatøren Titan afslørede en ny decentral hashpower routing protokol kaldet Lumerin. Open source-projektet har til formål at commodify bitcoin’s hashkraft “gennem smarte kontrakter, gør hashpower omsættelig.” Blog’s Mining Arm Titan Announces the Lumerin Protocol The

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