CATO Instituttet: CBDC det 'eneste største angreb på det finansielle privatliv siden oprettelsen af ​​loven om bankhemmelighed'

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) may turn out to be thesingle largest assault to financial privacy since the creation of the Bank Secrecy Act,” a policy analysis document released by CATO Institute has said. To stop the U.S. Føderale…

US Treasury Report advarer om Defis trussel mod den nationale sikkerhed, Forfattere konkluderer, at Fiat bruges i ulovlig finansiering mere end krypto

USA. Treasury har udgivet en 42-siders rapport, der vurderer risiciene ved decentral finansiering (defi). Rapporten fastslår, at specifikke nationalstatsmodstandere, cyberkriminelle, ransomware angribere, tyve, og svindlere bruger defi til “overføre og hvidvaske deres ulovlige udbytte.” Finansministeriets beretning…

Metamask Wallet-brugere advaret om at være på udkig efter adresseforgiftningsangreb

To avoid becoming victims of an address poisoning attack, Metamask wallet users should ditch the practice of copying and pasting wallet addresses, the crypto wallet app support team has warned. Metamask users should insteaddevelop a habit of thoroughly checking every

Advokat for den påståede kryptohvidvasker Vinnik opfordrer Rusland til at tale om fangebytte med USA

A lawyer representing Russian IT specialist Alexander Vinnik has urged the government in Moscow to discuss a potential exchange of prisoners with the United States, where he was recently extradited. The French legal expert is convinced only a return to his

Det amerikanske finansministeriums OFAC tilføjer 3 ETH-adresser knyttet til den nordkoreanske cyberkriminalitetsgruppe til SDN-listen

Kontoret for kontrol med udenlandske aktiver (OFAC) har tilføjet tre ethereum-adresser til sin liste over særligt udpegede statsborgere og blokerede personer (SDN). OFAC hævder, at etheradresserne er kontrolleret af Lazarus Group, en cyberkriminalitetsgruppe, der er tilknyttet North…

Ukraines sikkerhedstjeneste stopper kriminel gruppe, der sælger Bitcoin-Stjæle Malware

Law enforcement authorities in Ukraine have exposed a crime ring specializing in cryptocurrency theft and laundering of illicit funds for hackers. The gang, which provided services to clients on the darknet, has been dismantled as a result of a joint operation

Rusland, USA i toppen 3 for krypto-relaterede trusler, Cybersikkerhedsrapport afsløres

Threats related to cryptocurrency have followed prices, decreasing significantly after the market slump in May, suggests a recent report released by a leading internet security firm. Detections fell by almost a quarter but Russia remains the most affected country, with the

Beskyt dig selv med Sim Encriptados, Rejs til More Than 200 lande, og kommunikere med sikkerhed

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. When people talk about technology, the first thoughts are cell phones, applications, or equipment; but you rarely recall Sim Cards. Those small cards people often despise, thinking that they are only chips that you use to call or have