Binance annoncerer implementering af Lightning Network-tilbagetrækning midt i problemer med Bitcoin Network Congestion

Binance has announced its intention of implementing Lightning Network, et lag 2 Bitcoin scaling protocol, on its platform after experiencing an episode of congestion regarding withdrawals on the Bitcoin network. The exchange had to pause bitcoin withdrawals twice due to a

Den brasilianske præsident Lula skal fungere som BRICS-forbindelse for at hjælpe Argentina, Diskuterer kreditgrænse i brasilianske reals

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva stated Brazil will serve as a facilitator to try and arrange BRICS bloc assistance for Argentina. Lula stated that the New Development Bank — the BRICS bank — could modify some of its rules

Crypto Exchange Coinbase står over for juridisk handling i forbindelse med biometrisk dataindsamling

The Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has been accused of “wrongfully” profiting from its users’ facial and fingerprint scans. “Coinbase collects, stores, possesses, otherwise obtains, uses, and disseminates its usersbiometric data to, amongst other things, further enhance Coinbase and its online

Ethereum-netværksgebyrer stiger 153% i 30 Dage, Mens Arbitrums daglige transaktioner overstiger ETH efter Shapella-opgradering

Ethereum network fees have experienced a significant upswing following the implementation of the Shapella upgrade on April 12th. In the last 30 dage, onchain fees have soared by over 153%, from a prior rate of $4.65 per transfer to a current

Meme Coin PEPE Surges af 152% Denne uge, Nu den femte-største meme-token efter markedsværdi

Pepe (PEPE), the meme coin featuring the popular character Pepe the Frog, has experienced a significant surge in value in the past week, rising by 152.9% mod U.S.A. dollar. Recent statistics indicate that PEPEs market capitalization has surged from $141

Ukraine hæver mere krypto end Rusland i krigsåret, Analyse afslører

De to sider i den bitre konflikt i Ukraine har været afhængige af kryptoaktiver og teknologi til at støtte deres militære og humanitære aktiviteter, Elliptic siger i en rapport. Ifølge blockchain retsmedicinsk selskab, the targeted nation has attracted more

Priserne i dollars steg næsten 54% i Venezuela Under 2022

Prices in Venezuela have been rising steadily even when denominated in foreign currency. According to data collected by Ecoanalitica, a market research firm, prices marked in dollars have grown close to 54% during 2022, affecting the income and savings of Venezuelans

Data viser, at der ikke er nogen overskud tilbage for Bitcoin-minearbejdere, der ikke kan få billig elektricitet, Kør effektive minerigge

During the last few weeks bitcoin’s cost of production has been higher than the leading crypto asset’s spot market value and in turn, this has put massive pressure on bitcoin miners. Den nov. 30, 2022, statistics show if miners paying for

NFT-salget hoppede 22% Højere denne måned med $568 Millioner i NFT'er solgt på tværs 20 Blockchains

Ikke-fungibelt token (NFT) sales have shown improvement during the last month as 30-day statistics show NFT sales are up 22.37% higher than the month prior. I løbet af de sidste syv dage, NFT sales are up 5.13% higher than the week before. Derudover,…

Bitcoin-minearbejdere står over for et pres, da BTC-produktionsomkostningerne forbliver et godt stykke over spotmarkedsværdien

Bitcoin-minearbejdere står over for et stort pres efter den seneste stigning i sværhedsgraden den nov. 20, 2022, og det førende kryptoaktiv falder yderligere i værdi i forhold til USA. dollar efter FTX’s sammenbrud. Det viser statistik registreret i sidste weekend…