Jeffrey Tucker siger, at dollar vil blive detroniseret, Russisk embedsmand taler om de-dollarisering, og et kig på Historic Fractional Reserve Banking i Italien — Uge i gennemgang

Bitcoin proponents eyeing fiat failures are in no shortage of news on the topic as of late, as multiple officials, økonomer, authors, and analysts from around the world have been weighing in onde-dollarizationin a prolific fashion. Author and libertarian

IMF blog: Renter falder til præ-pandeminiveauer, når inflationen er tæmmet

When inflation in advanced economies is tamed, real interest rates are likely to drop to pre-pandemic levels, the latest International Monetary Fund (IMF) blog post has said. According to the authors of the blog post, the transition to acleaner economy

CATO Instituttet: CBDC det 'eneste største angreb på det finansielle privatliv siden oprettelsen af ​​loven om bankhemmelighed'

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) may turn out to be thesingle largest assault to financial privacy since the creation of the Bank Secrecy Act,” a policy analysis document released by CATO Institute has said. To stop the U.S. Føderale…

US Treasury Report advarer om Defis trussel mod den nationale sikkerhed, Forfattere konkluderer, at Fiat bruges i ulovlig finansiering mere end krypto

USA. Treasury har udgivet en 42-siders rapport, der vurderer risiciene ved decentral finansiering (defi). Rapporten fastslår, at specifikke nationalstatsmodstandere, cyberkriminelle, ransomware angribere, tyve, og svindlere bruger defi til “overføre og hvidvaske deres ulovlige udbytte.” Finansministeriets beretning…

Advokatfirmaets hvidbog hævder, at amerikanske bankregulatorer fører en 'hemmelig finanskrig' mod kryptovirksomheder

According to a recent white paper published by four members of the law firm Cooper & Kirk, PLLC, OS. bank regulators are attempting todrive crypto businesses out of the financial system.The paper, med titlen “Operation Chokepoint 2.0,claims that after

Ukraine hæver mere krypto end Rusland i krigsåret, Analyse afslører

De to sider i den bitre konflikt i Ukraine har været afhængige af kryptoaktiver og teknologi til at støtte deres militære og humanitære aktiviteter, Elliptic siger i en rapport. Ifølge blockchain retsmedicinsk selskab, the targeted nation has attracted more

Kryptoudvekslinger tillader russere at omgå sanktioner, Rapporter påstande

Store kryptobørser har undladt at forhindre sanktionerede russiske banker og handlende i at handle, ifølge en blockchain retsmedicinsk rapport. Mindst to etablerede mønthandelsplatforme giver fortsat russere mulighed for at bruge deres bankkort i peer-to-peer-aftaler, analysen…

Nordkorea stjal rekordstor mængde kryptoaktiver i 2022, FN-rapport afsløres

The regime in North Korea has managed to steal more cryptocurrency last year than in previous years, according to a draft U.N. rapport. Despite the difference between quoted estimates, the authors conclude that 2022 was a record-breaking year for crypto theft,…

Det Hvide Hus udgiver 'Roadmap' for at mindske kryptovaluta-risici

The White House has published aroadmap to mitigate cryptocurrenciesrisks.The roadmap calls for authorities toramp up enforcement where appropriateand Congressto step up its effortsto regulate the crypto sector. It also notes that legislation should not

USA med det højeste antal lukkede Bitcoin-hæveautomater i negativt vækstår

The number of ATMs supporting digital currencies has fallen around the world over the course of a turbulent year for the whole industry. According to a new report, the United States has lost more machines offering crypto teller services than any