10 De sydøstasiatiske nationer udfordrer dollardominansen med push for lokale valutaer

The leaders of 10 Southeast Asian nations, members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), have agreed toencourage the use of local currencies for economic and financial transactions.The group comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesien, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Filippinerne, Singapore,…

Rusland vil øge afhængigheden af ​​nationale valutaer i energihandel, Lover at flytte væk fra den amerikanske dollar

Russia will increase its reliance on national currencies to settle payments for its energy resources, moving away from the US dollar, according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. Novak noted there is a great interest in acquiring Russian energy resources,…

Veteranhandler Peter Brandt foreslår, at alle BTC er erhvervet ind 2021 Er 'en tabende handel' - genstarter fejde med laserøjnebevægelse

Veteran trader Peter Brandts latest remarks which mock crypto traders still using laser eyes crypto memes have sparked an immediate and angry response from bitcoiners on Twitter. One very famous bitcoiner, Michael Saylor, reminded Brandt that the laser eyes signify “og Messari…

Ripple for at deltage i Digital Dollar Projects CBDC Sandbox Program

Den non-profit organisation, der fremmer skabelsen af ​​den digitale dollar, det digitale dollarprojekt, har annonceret lanceringen af ​​et sandkasseprogram for at kickstarte undersøgelsen af ​​de tekniske implementeringer af den påtænkte digitale valuta. The fintech firm Ripple is among

Spansk Cryptocurrency Exchange Bit2me udvider driften til Brasilien

Den spanske kryptovalutabørs Bit2me interesserer sig for at komme ind på Latam-markedet. The company has launched its operations in Brazil by introducing an office in the country that will deal with compliance issues to make the exchange a safe

Argentinsk værdipapirtilsynsmyndighed lancerer Innovation Hub for at diskutere regulerede kryptoinvesteringer

The National Securities Commission (CNV), which is the Argentinian securities watchdog, recently launched an innovation hub with the goal of advancing conversations about cryptocurrency and fintech investments. This organization will serve as a link between private entities and the institution, til…

Ukraine retter sig mod russiske politikeres kryptopunge, da russiske banker skæres fra SWIFT

Ukraine forsøger nu at afsløre cryptocurrency-punge brugt af politikere i Moskva midt i advarsler om, at Rusland kan bruge digitale mønter til at omgå sanktioner. Initiativet kommer, da vestlige allierede er enige om at udvise nogle russiske banker fra SWIFT, the global interbank

Sydkoreansk lovgiver siger, at han vil begynde at acceptere kryptodonationer i det nye år

Lee Kwang-jae, a South Korean lawmaker, recently stated that he will be accepting cryptocurrency donations starting mid-January 2022. According to the politician, this plan represents his attempt to raise awareness about cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens among South Koreans. Donations to Be

Revolve Games tilføjer nye dimensioner til Play-to-Earn Blockchain Gaming

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. At spille spil har taget en helt anden dimension helt igennem en ny model, hvor man kan tjene penge, der gør det lettere at tjene kryptoindtægter end nogensinde. Revolve Games is revolutionizing the way DeFi staking is integrated with blockchain gaming by debuting a Metaverse where