Silicon Valley Bank står over for økonomiske problemer, da lageret er stoppet, Sælger $21 Milliardobligationsportefølje på en $1.8 Milliard tab

marts 10, 2023, markedsobservatører diskuterer problemerne med Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) ansigter, da firmaets aktie skred mere end 60% i den sidste 24 timer. SVB blev tvunget til at sælge en $21 milliarder obligationsportefølje til 1,8 USD…

FTX og Alameda Research kollapser trist begivenhed, men 'godt på lang sigt' siger DWF Labs Managing Partner

While the collapse of the crypto exchange FTX and its affiliate Alameda Research is thought to have left many crypto players, including market makers, in the worst possible position, according to Andrei Grachev, managing partner at DWF Labs, this incident may

Axie Infinitys månedlige spillerantal falder til lavt, ikke set siden november 2020

After recording $4.26 billion in total non-fungible token (NFT) salg, the play-to-earn game Axie Infinity’s monthly player count has dropped to levels not seen since November 2020, a period of 26 måneder. Despite the low player count, the project’s native token,…

BTC, ETH, DER ER, BNB rangerede som de mest sete kryptoaktiver i 2022

I dag’s top ten crypto assets make up a large portion of the crypto economys current $797.95 billion value on Dec. 29, 2022, and many of them are some of the most popular digital currencies today. While coin market capitalization aggregation sites

Rapport: Crypto Financial Services-firmaet Matrixport Seeks $100 Millioner i finansiering

Crypto firm Matrixport Technologies is reportedly seeking $100 million in funding, according to people familiar with the matter. Sources detailed that the company already secured commitments from investors for roughly $50 million, which would give Matrixport a post-valuation of $1.5 milliard….

Mark Cuban siger, at FTX-implosion ikke er kryptoblowup - forklarer hvorfor han investerer i krypto

Shark Tank-stjerne og ejer af NBA-holdet Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, says recent blowups in the crypto space, including the FTX implosion, “have been banking blowups,” not crypto blowups. He also explained why he invests in crypto. Recent

Binance og Paxos-støttede Stablecoin BUSDs markedsværdistigninger 22% i 2 måneder

I midten af ​​august, eller 68 dage siden, the market capitalization of the stablecoin BUSD was approximately $17.7 billion and since then, its grown 22.88% higher to today’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta $21.78 milliard. BUSD’s growth comes at a time when the market valuations of the top

IMF: Kryptoaktiver bliver mere mainstream som sikring mod svage valutaer, Potentielle betalingsinstrumenter

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a report stating that crypto assets have gained amore mainstream presence as speculative investments, hedges against weak currencies, and potential payment instruments.The IMF has called for a global response to crypto regulation that

Mens fusionen førte til, at bjørnemarkedet steg, Hype er blevet slettet, og Ethereum fører nu frem

Med lidt over to uger tilbage til The Merge, ethereum’s værdi i forhold til U.S. dollar har mistet alle de gevinster, som kryptoaktivet registrerede før den hærdede dato. I midten af ​​august, ether managed to climb above the $2K zone but

En anden Stablecoin svinger vildt, når HUSD glider under USD Peg til $0.82 pr. token

Stablecoin HUSD, oprindeligt forbundet med kryptobørsen Huobi Global, mistede bindingen til U.S.A. dollar onsdag, august 17, og den faldt endnu lavere i værdi den følgende dag torsdag, august 18. På torsdag, Huobi addressed the