Ethereum-prisen topper kl $2,758 Dette år, Så fald til $2,342 ved slutningen af ​​2023, Finder-eksperter siger

A recent survey made public by the online comparison platform has revealed the predictions of 32 professionals in the fields of fintech and cryptocurrency. The specialists have expressed their conviction that ethereum, the second largest digital asset by market capitalization,…

Økonomer forventer, at Fed afslører endnu en renteforhøjelse på 25bps, før de holder pause i resten af 2023

After the March rate hike by the Federal Reserve, economists believe that the recent move by Saudi Arabia and several members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to cut oil production could complicate the central bank’s mission. Derudover,…

Crypto Exchange Bitzlato gendanner brugeradgang til halvdelen af ​​Bitcoin-saldi, Rapport

Bitzlato-brugere kan nu delvist trække deres bitcoin-midler fra den afmonterede kryptovalutabørs, ifølge en medierapport. Den russisk-tilknyttede handelsplatform var målrettet af vestlige retshåndhævere og fik sin fransk-baserede serverinfrastruktur beslaglagt i januar. Bitzlato-kunder tilladt…

Coinbase undersøgelse: 20% af amerikanske voksne ejer i øjeblikket krypto

En national undersøgelse bestilt af Coinbase tyder på, at ca 20% af os. voksne ejer i øjeblikket krypto. Ud over, 29% af os. voksne planlægger at købe eller handle krypto i den næste 12 måneder. “Langt de fleste amerikanere ønsker at se…

Kun 4% af virksomheder i Spanien er flyttet til at tilbyde tjenester i metaverset

Kun 4% of the companies in Spain have managed to apply the metaverse to their operations, according to a survey conducted by ISDI, a national business school. 40% of the business managers surveyed have admitted that it is difficult for them

IMF-rapport om El Salvadors Bitcoin-adoption: Risici afværget, men der er brug for gennemsigtighed

According to a recent mission statement published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), El Salvador has adopted bitcoin as legal tender and has avoided risks so far. The IMF states that the risks have not materialized due to the limited use

Bank of New York Mellon: 'Kunder er absolut interesserede i digitale aktiver'

Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon) has revealed that its clientsare absolutely interested in digital assets.Emphasizing the need for clear crypto regulation, the bank’s head of digital assets noted: “We need responsible actors who can offer reliable services

Central Bank of Argentina udsteder nyt 2,000 Pesoregning, da inflationen fortsætter med at stige

The Central Bank of Argentina has announced the issuance of a new 2,000 peso bill, aimed at easing the burden of using cash for payments in the country. The bill, which will have a value of a little more than $5

Den indiske regering introducerer nye kryptoskattestraffe

The Indian government has introduced new crypto tax penalties, including for non-payment of crypto tax deducted at source (TDS). Much to the disappointment of the crypto community, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman did not mention crypto in her Budget speech this year….

Rapport: Kryptoadoption rammer nye milepæle - Globale kryptoejere nået 425 Millioner ind 2022

Crypto adoption achieved new milestones in 2022, with the number of crypto owners reaching 425 million during the year, a new report by shows. i øvrigt, the report reveals that the number of bitcoin owners reached 219 million in December while