Erdogan foreslår tyrkisk-russisk betalingssystem, Lokale medier rapporterer

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is reportedly pushing for Turkey and Russia to establish a new payment system between them. The initiative comes amid U.S. pressure against the use of the Russian Mir cards in Turkey. Some Turkish banks have been

Russisk Blockchain Alternativ til SWIFT for at forhindre afbrydelse af nationer, Banker

Et russisk universitet er klar til at teste sin blockchain-baserede analog til det globale betalingsmeddelelsesnetværk SWIFT, som russiske banker blev afskåret fra som led i vestlige sanktioner. The developers say their system would not allow the disconnecting of countries

Japan ser ud til at stoppe sanktionerede russiske enheder fra at overføre kryptoaktiver

As financial authorities around the world continue to target sanctioned Russian entities, regulators in Japan along with the countrys crypto association are attempting to find and close gaps that may be used to circumvent sanctions. The two bodies, imidlertid, have said