Rumvandrere: At blive en investor i Blockchain – Hvordan kan nogen investere i spilleindustrien?

Rumvandrere, a gaming studio, is revolutionizing the way that investors can participate in the profits of their projects. The company is releasing a series of games and offering the opportunity for anyone to invest in them through the use of blockchain

Binance nu autoriseret i 7 EU-lande — Sverige bliver den seneste medlemsstat til at give godkendelse

Crypto exchange Binance is now legal to operate in seven European countries following the latest approval by Sweden’s financial regulator. Overall, Binance has been approved to operate in 15 jurisdictions, including seven EU countries. Binance Approved to Operate in 7 jeg…

Binance erhverver licenseret japansk kryptobørs — forbereder sig på at gå ind i Japan som reguleret enhed

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has acquired a regulated Japanese cryptocurrency exchange and is now preparing to enter the Japanese crypto market as a regulated entity. “The Japanese market will play a key role in the future of cryptocurrency adoption,” said the general

Undersøgelse viser, at Singapore er førende i NFT-søgninger på verdensplan, Forskere siger "Polen er det mest anti-NFT-land"

During the past seven days, ikke-fungibel token (NFT) sales have dropped 23.37% and 30-day statistics show NFT sales are down 63.10% from the month prior. While NFT interest has been waning, a recent study indicates that global regions like Singapore and

Uganda påstande efterforskningsundersøgelser opdaget 31 Millioner tons guld

While gold is often considered a scarce asset, Uganda explained on Wednesday that recently conducted exploration surveys indicate that theres roughly 31 million metric tons of gold ore waiting to be mined in the region. i øvrigt, a spokesperson from Ugandas Ministry

Førende østeuropæiske børs Exmo sælger virksomhed i Rusland, Hviderusland

Exmo, a U.K.-based crypto exchange with extensive presence in Eastern Europe, is pulling out of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The trading platform,, says its making the move to avoid jeopardizing its expansion in other regions by operating in high-risk markets

Tracker viser tæt på 3,000 Crypto-hæveautomater blev installeret i 2022's første kvartal

Under den sidste 12 måneder, der’har været et eksponentielt antal cryptocurrency automatiserede pengeautomater (Hæveautomater) installeret, da data viser det 20,000 krypto-hæveautomater blev installeret sidste år. This year machines are still being installed in great numbers and since December

Global Central Bank Gold Holdings steg til 36,000 Tons ind 2021, Forøgelse tilskrevet dollars fald

Den samlede mængde guld holdt i reserver af centralbanker toppede 36,000 tons for første gang siden 1990, data fra World Gold Council har vist. Denne stigning følger væksten i bankerne’ reported holdings of the asset by 4,500

Tidligere leder af Crypto Exchange Wex udgivet i Polen

Former chief executive of the Russian cryptocurrency exchange Wex, Dmitry Vasiliev, has been released from arrest in Warsaw earlier this month. The ex-head of the now-defunct coin trading platform has since returned to Russia while court proceedings against him in Poland

Tidligere leder af Wex Crypto Exchange angiveligt arresteret i Polen, Står over for udlevering til Kasakhstan

Dmitry Vasiliev, former chief executive of Russian cryptocurrency exchange Wex, has been detained in Warsaw, the Polish press reported. Vasiliev is wanted in Kazakhstan where he is accused of fraud related to the now defunct trading platform, successor of the infamous